Economics Update

Well, in a case of stating the blatantly obvious, the Philadelphia Fed;s Survey of Professional Forecasters says that we are in a recession, and have been since Spring, though the Conference Board has not yet chimed in on this, so it’s not yet “official”.

In any case, Japan is officially in recession. I guess that they have better record keeping than we do.

In the mean time Calculated Risk’s Credit Crisis Indicator interest rate metrics are basically unchanged.

We also have some mixed numbers in industry, with post hurricane industrial production, but the New York Fed’s Empire State index of hitting its lowest level ever.

In the UK, they are seeing an explosion in jingle mail, where mortgage holders mail their keys back to the bank, either figuratively or literally.

In the US, pending sales are down from September to October, but up against last October, which Barry Ritholtz catches, it’s really a net up, who wants to buy a house in October, but the National Association of Realtors does not get.

In currency, then dollar is down on recession worries, though my guess is also that the G20 meeting being hosted by a drooling idiot did not help.

In energy, oil is at a 21-month low, and retail gasoline prices fell for 61st straight day, which does not surprise me, as I filled up for $1.979/gallon yesterday.

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