Economics Update

Well, I’ll be referencing some mora alarming economic data in another post, but let’s have at the routine stuff, shall we?

First, the U.S. Producer Prices Index fell by 2.8%, the most on record. Note: this is not a, “low inflation, hurray,” thing. This is a, “prices are falling off a cliff like they were in 1932,” thing.

Part of this, of course is falling oil prices, so it’s no surprise that oil hit 21-month low today.

Not unsurprisingly, we also see the home builders’ sentiment index falling to a 9 month low.

Honestly, if I were surveying home builder sentiment, my worry would be them tossing themselves out of windows.

Out of force of habit, because the fundamentals of the U.S. economy do not merit it any more, people continue to flee to the dollar in times of uncertainty, so the dollar strengthened today.

Oh, and if you follow stock prices, Fannie Mae is facing delisting from the New York Stock Exchange.

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