Year: 2008

AU Reviewing Request for Another Mediator in Zimbabwe

Rather than asking for explicit his explicit removal, the MDC is now requesting that another mediator in addition to Thabo Mbeki be included in MDC-ZANU-PF talks.

Interestingly enough, it appears that Mbeki’s pathetic performance as mediator is getting some visibility, as you can see in this Washington Post articlediscussing how the South African president’s legacy has been harmed by his embrace of Mugabe.

Because Swiss Banks are So Open and Transparent

We no know, as a result of a computer technician selling data he downloaded, about a large number of using Lichtenstein bank secrecy laws to evade taxes.

While Liechtensteiner banking secrecy laws are actually more opaque than those of Switzerland, it has always been Swiss banks that have captured the public imagination when it came to the rich laundering money, and we are now seeing revelations regard Swiss banking giant UBS was helping its clients launder money, though this time it appears the discovery happened the old fashioned way, employees have been caught, and they are flipping to prosecutors for consideration on sentences.

Senator Carl Levin is now calling for regulators to revoke the banking license UBS American operations.

His call may have little bite, as UBS has revealed that it intends to wind down its US private banking operations.

It intends to stop taking new customers immediately, and wind down the rest of its services over time.

Wachovia Securities Raided by Authorities

Wachovia Securities, until last October A.G. Edwards, was raided by regulators from Missouri, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and a, “sixth state that asked not to be identified”, today. In addition, some number more than a dozen employees of the firm were subpoenaed.

It appears that they had some questions about the collapse of the auction rate securities market, and Wachovia refused to respond to queries.

I expect to see a lot more of this as the markets swirl down the drain.

Economics Update

Weekly unemployment filings are up 16K from last week, which is not good, but better than forecast, though, as I’ve said before, the weekly data is noisy and not very useful.

On the other hand, the Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey is definitely downbeat, though not as grim as I would have anticipated.

China has problems. While its growth rate slowed to only 10.1% annually(!), inflation remained well above 7%.

Honestly, I think that the fix here is simple, let the Yuan rise some, which would decrease the relative cost of imported energy, and slow exports to cool down the economy, but I do not expect the Chinese central bank to do this.

Housing starts jumped 9.1%, only because of change in NY City building codes, allowing for more multi-residential building. Otherwise it would have been -4%, and construction of single-family homes dropped by 5.3%, hitting a 17 year low.

Seeing as how the Europeans have inflation concerns too, and are talking about ratcheting up rates, it;s not surprising that the dollar fell today.

Oil continues its slide, dropping below $130/bbl for the first time in over a month, though retail gasoline holds at yesterday’s record.

US Airways Pilots Threatened Over Fuel Margin Requests

OK, maybe the next time I fly, I walk instead.

Some US Air pilots requested additional fuel be loaded into their aircraft in order to have more reserves upon landing. US Airways retaliated:

But US Airways recently crossed the line when it ordered eight pilots who requested “an extra 10 to 15 minutes worth of fuel” to attend training sessions, or “check rides,” that could put their pilot licenses in jeopardy, Ray said. The pilots were supposed to report for their training sessions Wednesday, he said.

So, we have bankruptcy, pay cuts for the workers, massive bonuses for the executives, and now attempts to eliminate safety margins on fuel loads, because you have to burn some of that fuel to carry that fuel.

Shocker: John Ashcroft Not Partisan Enough for Bush and His Evil Minions™

And all the while, I though that Ashcroft was one of the Evil Minions

It turns out that in early 2003, John Ashcroft refused to appoint torture memo author John Yoo to head the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel, which had among its roles certifying interrogation techniques as legal, and there was a major blowup on this.

It was eventually settled with a compromise on Jack Goldsmith, who promptly review Yoo’s work and put a big red BS on it.

Hamdan Request for Injunction on Military Show Trial Denied

His lawyers are requesting an injunction for two reasons:

  • That they believe that the process is unconstitutional, and wish to challenge the process before a trial (and inevitable guilty verdict).
  • That the Supreme Court has granted detainees the right to challenge their enemy combatant classification, and as such, the trial cannot start until that is adjudicated in federal court.

It should be interesting, because Bush and His Evil Minions are desperately trying to get these trials scheduled for maximum impact on the November elections.

And the Judge has decided to allow the trial to proceed on schedule.

California Runs Out of Money for Fire Fighting

Two weeks into the new fiscal year, California has already spent 1/3 of its firefighting budget for the year, and in the home of Proposition 13, the money is not there to cover this.

They are not talking about surcharges on insurance in fire zones and similar methods to cover current and expected shortfalls in the firefighting budgets.

I don’t know how any of this will make it through the state house, where you need a super majority, which requires Republican votes, and they have pretty much pledged to vote against all taxes, and their districts disproportionately benefit from the firefighting efforts.

Bush Claims Executive Privilege on Documents from a Criminal Investigation

It’s the interviews by the FBI with him and Cheney in the Plame Affair, and Bush is insisting that it’s covered by executive privilige, and Mukasey going along with it.

Simply put, enough is enough. Find Mukasey in contempt, and have the sergeant at arms of the Congress throw his ass in th t cell in the basement of Congress.

While you are at it, get Miers and Bolton in a cell.

Russia-Belarus Alliance Approaching Georgian Breakaway Provinces

A spokesman for the so called “Union State” alliance, is saying that Transdnestr, Abkhazia and South Ossetia might be granted some sort of observer status, possibly followed by full membership.

Needless to say, this would lead to secession from Georgia, and very likely a some sort of hostilities.

This kind of crap is going on because first Bill Clinton, and then George W. Bush ignored commitments to limit the westward expansion of NATO to the reunification of Germany, and so have created what is legitimately viewed by the Russians as a ring of steel around them, complete with a ballistic missile defense system that is better positioned against them than it is against the Iranians.

I don’t think it’s going to happen, but the expansion of NATO really needs to be stopped.

Damn, No Impeachment

Remember when I said that Pelosi has said that the Judiciary Committe might hold impeachment hearings?

No such luck. It appears that the committee will instead investigate the behavior of Bush and His Evil Minions, and if they find something inappropriate, I’m sure that they will write a very strongly written letter, and perhaps hold a very upset press conference.

But as to impeachment, and a possible vote on impeachment, that’s just:



Bush Friend Who Solicited Bribes Asked to Resign from HHS Comittee

Stephen Payne, who was selling access to the Bush administration for contributions to the Bush Library (insert “which book” joke here), has now been asked to step down from his position on the Secure Borders and Open Doors Subcommittee of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

No big surprise there. They have him on tape reciting a price list of bribes.

Hopefully, he’ll see some jail time, and he’ll roll on higher-ups…..How many times have I thought that recently?

(See here for background)