Year: 2008

OMFG!!! This is So Lame!!!

Scott Bloch, the head of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, who had a computer consultant wipe his hard drive, and whose office was raided by the FBI with accusations of abuse of authority, retaliation, political bias, and obstruction of justice, now has a new title Sock Puppet* by Proxy. It appears that he ordered subordinates to post stuff supporting him on blogs when they posted bad news about him.

This is so incredibly pathetic.

*Full disclosure, I’ve sock puppeted. I acknowledge that this means that I have no personal credibility. Confirm what I write by going to the links I cite, and reviewing my arguments. Seriously. FWIW, I’ll try not to sock puppet in my own comments section. I haven’t yet.

Seriously, if I say the sky is blue, go check the Weather Channel to confirm this.

Updates on Various Races

Rasmussen Reports™: has Norm Coleman at 48% and Al Franken 45%, and it is not good for an incumbent to be below 50%. This will be winnable, even with the phony scandals drummed up by Coleman’s bully boys.

The race for Fossella’s seat in Staten Island is a tossup, though it has historically been a fairly solid Republican district.

Rasmussen Reports™ has Liddy Dole with a 14-Point Lead Over Kay Hagan, 53%-39%. The last poll had Hagan up by 1 point, immediately after she won the primary, but Dole has been running ads, and Hagan has not.

Cuban Oil May Put Kibosh on Embargo

It looks like Cuban may be pumping over half a million barrels a day in the next few years, and this may change minds about the embargo.

There are a number of reasons, the first being that US oil companies will want to be in the game, the second is that will mean that there will be oil rigs in spill distance of the Florida coast, and the tourist industry there may not be so sanguine about, for example, a Brazilian firm drilling.

Ireland Rejects EU Treaty

They voted it down in a referendum.

There have been a couple of problems with the EU efforts to streamline how they operate:

  • There appears to be an organizational insulate many senior career bureaucrats from “political interference”, which means insulating their decisions from democracy, which was seen as a negative by the Irish voters because it is a negative.
  • The voters are looking at a 250+ page document, and they have no confidence that anyone can understand what it means.

If the EU comes back with a document where decision making rests in the hands of elected representatives, and one that is short enough to understand, they will likely get approval.

The US constitution is under 10 pages. There is no reason for a governing document to be that long.

Economics Update

Well, we now know that in May, foreclosure was up 48% over a year ago, which is why we are seeing stories about places where foreclosures are a majority of sales, and banks are becoming more flexible on prices on the property that they have assumed.

Increasingly, it looks like the bump in house sales was just a bump in sales of lender own properties.

If interest rates go up, this will get worse, and May data points to increased inflation. It exceeded expectations again.

That’s why Fed Governor Plosser is calling for a quick rate hike. He is worried about the dreaded stagflation.

Zimbabwe is Getting Worse

We have food aid intended for children seized and handed out at a Mugabe rally, which would be bad parody if it weren’t true.

We’ve also had MDC’s number two man, Secretary General Tendai Biti, arrested and charged with treason, which carries a death penalty, for writing a document describing a transition to MDC rule.

It appears that the judiciary is functioning on some level though, as a judge has directed the police to bring him to court tomorrow.

Mugabe is merrily escalating the violance, deploying more ‘war vetrans’ to the campaign, and telling them that they should be Mugabe says war vets ready for battle.

The UN secretary general is sending Haile Menkerios as a high ranking envoy to Zimbabwe in an attempt to resolve this issue, but I do not think that it will do any good.

Damn! Looks Like Hoyer May Have Found a Way to Sell Out on Telco Immunity

According to this report, Steny Hoyer, Jay Rockefeller, Christopher “Kit” Bond, and Roy Blunt have hammered something out.

Seriously. This is like social security. No compromise, no proposals.

This is not just a core Democratic value, it’s a core American value.

The telcos knew the law, and they broke it, and Bush and His Evil Minions&trade have a hard on about shielding them because they know that it can get them sent to jail.

Who is Eligible for the Presidency, For the Morons Out There

By which I mean the denizens of Larry Johnson’s No Quarter (no link, just like Malkin).

The Constitution does not require that a President be born in the US. It requires that a President be a natural born citizen.

Section 1 of Article II of the Constitution contains the clause:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

If you look at the case law, a child born to an American parent where the paternity is established before the age of majority is a natural born citizen.

All the stupidity over the borders of an image of a Hawaiian birth certificate will not change that.

Here’s hoping that Johnson gets a clue over the next few months.

Moody’s to Rate Muni Bonds Fairly

The original business for monoliner insurers was to insure government bonds, which were rarely rated at AAA by the agencies, even though they were at least as safe as AAA corporate bonds, so they would buy insurance, because the interest rate savings would more than pay for the insurance.

I’ve always seen this as self dealing by Wall Street. The ratings agencies set about screwing the taxpayers for the benefit of other folks, whether they be the monoliners or the investors who would get more interest.

Because of the increases scrutiny of ratings agency, there has been pressure to change this, and now Moody’s has announced that it will adopt the same ratings for Munis as it uses for corporate bonds.

About bloody time.