Year: 2008

New Gitmo Revalation: Pentagon Directed Destruction of Evidence

The operation manual that the Pentagon gave interrogators directed them to, “destroy their written notes in case of being summoned to testify regarding alleged ill-treatment of detainees”, seehere, here, and here.

In an affidavit signed by [Omar Khadr Defense Attorney] Kuebler, the manual is quoted as saying, “The mission has legal and political issues that may lead to interrogators being called to testify, keeping the number of documents with interrogation information to a minimum can minimize certain legal issues.”

This flies in the face of every tenet of modern law and jurisprudence.

Ignoring the fact that Khadr was a 15 year old child at the time of the event, and should therefore be treated for trauma as a child soldier, the idea that the operations manual calls for destruction of evidence on the theory that it might prove inconvenient is outrageous.

The person who wrote this manual should be jailed, not just fired.

California Gay Marriage Amendment May Also Bans Straight Marriage

Looks like the Talibaptists may have screwed up, bit time:

Should voters approve the measure, Cruz said, offering another potential outcome, it could inadvertently affect traditional marriages. That’s because the amendment would undo only part of the court’s decision — allowing gay couples to marry — but not the rest, which says that same-sex couples cannot be recognized differently than opposite-sex couples, he said.

“If you’ve got those two rules — that you can’t let them marry, but you can’t give different options to gay and straight couples — then one possible outcome, if the amendment were to pass, is that no one could get married in California,” Cruz said.


Dems Hold Lead in Polls in Alaska

The last time that Alaska was truly competitive for Democrats was shortly after I left, at age 6, in 1968, and now we have polls showing Begich leading Stevens and Berkowitz beating Young, and both the Republicans are incumbents, albeit fantastically corrupt ones.

Mark Begich (51%) – Ted Stevens (44%)
Eathan Berkowitz (58) – Don Young (38%)

I think that the good people of Alaska realize that these guys are an embarrassment.

Economics Update

The big news, though I’m not sure if it’s significant, is that, “The index of pending home resales rose 6.3 percent to 88.2, the highest level in six months.”

We are starting to see bargain hunters, but prices are still falling, and that is at the core of the housing bubble collapse. People are under water, and can’t sell to get out from under.

Review this article on , the price collapse of exurban McMansions. There is still a lot of pain to go, particularly since many of these homes are poorly built.

I wonder how many will end up multi-residential dwellings.

The dollar is down today, which implies further energy price increases and, eventually, higher interest rates.

Oil fell $4.19 today, which is not surprising after Friday’s spike, but retail gasoline prices rose again, to above $4.00/bbl. I filled up on the weekend at $3.93….I never knew that I lived in a low cost gas area.

Finally, Lehman lost $2.8 billion in Q1 of 2008, so this investment banks have a long way down to go.

SEIU Establishes $10M Political Punishment Fund

The Bush Blue Dog Democratic Caucus has spent too much time presenting only lip service to Democratic party goals. This move by the SEIU (scroll down) is a good start on dealing with the guys who forget the people what brung them after the elections:

In a move likely to upset some Democrats, the delegates approved an “accountability plan” in which the union would spend $10 million to pressure or punish political candidates who made pro-worker, pro-union promises, but broke them after being elected.

The union’s leaders cite a primary last February in which the service employees played an instrumental role in defeating Representative Albert Wynn, Democrat of Maryland, because the union thought he was favoring business over workers.

Al Franken Gets DFL Party Endorsement for Senate

He got the required 60% on the first ballot. There is still a primary in September, but absent a dead girl/live boy* revelation, he is the nominee.

I guess that this decade is all about him, Al Franken.

Here’s hoping that he kicks that phony Norm Coleman, who is proof of that old adage, “If you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, you should start breeding them for stupidity.”

*Edwin Edwards, when discovering that he would be facing David Duke in the Louisiana governor’s race, said that the the only way that he would lose were if he were, “caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy”.
Dave Sim, in his comic book Cerebus, some time around issue 20.

B-2 Crash Cause Revealed

The cause, water on the air data sensors, giving the flight control inaccurate data.

There had been a previous incident on Guam when a pilot aborted takeoff, and the solution was to turn on pitot heaters to dry off the sensors, but this was never adopted as a formal part of the checklist.

It was an “underground procedure”.

You know, I would think that on an aircraft that is literally worth its weight in gold, that they would get their maintenance act together just a bit more.

USAF report here.

The video of the crash follows, with the 2nd aircraft being the one that crashed.

The Next Shoe to Drop for Banks

The loans that they made, which are now turning bad, to developers for the construction of subdivisions.

IndyMac tried to sell a $540 million loan portfolio, and it was ugly, “Winning bids on many of the loans were, on average, about 60 cents on the dollar, according to people familiar with the matter. But some winning bids were only about 20 cents on the dollar,” and there are a lot more loan packages, where the assets held by the developers are dropping in value, and even if the complete their projects no one wants to buy then.

This is why Office of Thrift Supervision noted that the number of S&Ls at “heightened risk of failure” has gone from12 in March to 17 now.

South Africa and Brazil Enter Joint Development for A-Darter Missile

South Africa has been working on this missile for some time, and the jount development agreement should bring some more resources to the project.

It’s clearly been delayed a bit, as the SAAF has purchased German IRIS-T missiles as an interim fit.

The A-Darter is a short range IR guided air to air missile, and appears rather similar to the British ASRAAM, with no forward wings, though it has thrust vector vanes in the exhaust, implying a bit more agility off the rail:

This would also imply a dual thrust motor, with low thrust in the first second or so, so as to allow for optimum operation of the thrust vector paddles.