Year: 2008

Updated PAC-3 Looking at 2009 Test

It looks like Lockheed-Martin Missiles and Fire Control* and the Missile Defense Agency are looking at testing an upgrade to the PAC-3 Patriot SAM in 2009. (paid subscription required)

It looks like the sensor for the hit-to-kill weapon will be much the same as its predecessor, but that range will be doubled and effective altitude increased by a larger diameter motor with a two pulse motor, giving generally improved kinematics.

To do this, they will put the missile in a PAC-2 cannister, the PAC-3 fits 4 missiles in the space of a PAC-2 now, and use folding fins for greater volumetric efficiency, and LM is hopingto be competitive in naval applications too.

*Full Disclosure, in 1999-2000 and 1996-1998, I worked as a mechanical engineer for what is now Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, and I have some claim to actually being a rocket scientist.
Yes, I have worked everywhere. Maybe I can’t hold down a job, but more likely this has been my role as “technical hit man”, where you are parachuted in to take care of a specific need.

Next Man Makes a Move, and the N*gg*r Gets It

If you’ve ever seen Blazing Saddles,* you remember the scene where Cleavon Little, realizing that the citizens of Rick Ridge are about to lynch him, holds a gun to his own neck, and then holds himself hostage until he can extricate himself from the situation.

Well, it appears that EADS, parent company of Airbus has watched Blazing Saddles many, many times, because this is the stratagem that they are using to deal with the penalty clauses in their contracts for late delivery:

Aerospace giant EADS has threatened to freeze production of its Airbus subsidiary’s flagship military airlifter if clients do not drop penalty clauses for late delivery, a German news report said Sept. 20.
The A400M airlifter. (EADS)

Der Spiegel weekly, trailing its Sept. 22 publication, cited a letter sent by Louis Gallois, the French chief executive of both companies, to the governments of seven countries who have ordered the A400M plane.


*If you’ve never seen Blazing Saddles, you need to rent it and watch it today.

F-35B Opens Doors in Flight

So, they’ve finally gotten the doos open of the vertical lift system open in flight, hopefully this means a full STOVL flight in the next few weeks, though these wheels seem to be grinding awfully slowly.

To my mind, it is the F-35B, with it’s STOVL capabilities, that is really the only variant that brings anything particularly necessary to the table.

It’s clear that for a number of reasons, the Harriers in service really do need to be replaced.

Because the USAF Has WAY too Much Free Time

Well, we now know just how seriously the USAF takes Iraq and Afghanistan, because they just rolled out new dress uniforms.

The uniforms are inspired by those of General “Hap” Arnold.

To be fair, the current leader of the USAF, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, inherited this matter, his predecessor was the one who pushed the new dress blues, which may explain why he got his ass fired.

Price tag: $125 million. Complete confirmation that the making USAF an independent was a total mistake: Priceless.

Economics Update

With upwards of 70% of the US Economy being consumer spending driven, it’s not good news that the final for consumer confidence missed expectations, 70.3, as opposed to the forecast 71.0, but it does reflect the fact that the final number for economic growth in the 2nd quarter was revised downward.

The fact that August new home sales are the lowest since 1982, which was not a great year for the economy either, points to the fact that the economy sucks in the real world too.

Of course, while all this is going on, Congress is still fighting over bailing out Wall Street, which has lead to a muddled picture for the dollar.

That beins said, it’s clear that the energy markets are banking on a recession with both oil and retail gasoline heading lower.

All this uncertainty is why 30 year mortgage rates exploded this week, going from 5.78% last week, to 6.09% this week.

31 basis points in a week….Ouch.

FWIW, the central banks are shoveling cash out the door, which will eventually start devaluing the currency (inflation).

When You F*#@ Up a Trial THIS Badly…..

When you look at the trial of Saddam Hussein, you have to start with one fact: He was as guilty as hell. He was so guilty of brutality, genocide, and other crimes against humanity, that it would have been impossible not to get him on something.

But still, the Western lawyers who attempted to create a fair trial say that the trial was neither free nor fair.

When someone is this guilty, why on earth does the Iraqi government feel the need to cheat….Why does the US sponsored Iraqi government feel the need to cheat….Why does the Bush and His Evil Minions&trade Iraqi government feel the need to cheat…And deliver a verdict just days before the 2006 mid terms elections.

Never mind, question answered.

To Be Placed in the Hold for Future War Crimes Trials File

Newly released documents make it clear that members of the Bush administration held specific discussion to specifically authorize torture by the CIA, and Condoleeza Rice has admitted to this in a written statement to the Senate.

I do not believe that we will be able to hold a fair trial in the US, so send them to the Hague, even though the death penalty is off the table there.

Palin Took Blessing From Witch Hunter After He Unleashed Anti-Semitic Screed

I can’t believe that I’m quoting aAndrew Sullivan, but he has the video, where he makes this comment at about 1:10:

The second area whereby God wants us, wants to penetrate in our society is in the economic area. The Bible says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. It’s high time that we have top Christian businessmen, businesswomen, bankers, you know, who are men and women of integrity running the economics of our nations. That’s what we are waiting for. That’s part and parcel of transformation. If you look at the — you know — if you look at the Israelites, that’s how they work. And that’s how they are, even today.”

(emphasis mine)

And at 7:20 Sarah Palin walks up to stage to accept a blessing from him.

She wasn’t just in the audience, she walks up and accepts his blessing after an anti-Semitic screed.

I agree with Andrew Sullivan, when he says, with no small amount of snark, “Sure they vetted her.