Year: 2008

Comcast to Throttle Web Access During Times of Heavy Use

In response to a spanking from the FCC regarding throttling users based on applications 24-7, Comcast will start throttling heavy internet users during times of high network utilization, which is what they should have done in the first place.

There now, that wasn’t so hard, was it.

Their real problem, of course, is an architecture that is inadequate, but we know what cable companies do when there is a choice between screwing the customer, and fixing the real problem.

FedEx Faces Massive Judgements on Misclassified Employees

FedEx has been classifying its drivers as independent contractors for years, despite the fact that it, “tells its ground-service drivers when to work, what to charge customers and what kind of socks and shoes to wear,” and it looks like a federal judge is about to rule against them opening them up to billions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages, and possibly even more in back taxes.

What’s more, it’s likely to see successful unionization efforts once reclassification is completed.

This is an increasing problem nationwide, and one would hope that there will be a crackdown soon.

Cuomo Hints that Brokers are in Crosshairs of Auction-Rate Investigation

Now New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is strongly implying that he will be going after brokerages, in addition to his already having gone after investment banks, on misleading investors as to the nature, and risk, of auction rate securities.

It’s depressing that when scandals break out in the financial system, that the Federal government seems to be completely uninvolved, and that state authorities have to enforce the law.

What Chris Bowers Said

In reswsponse to the news that Lieberman would speak at the Republican convention, Mr. Bowers noted:

I believe this is what some Senate Democrats were waiting for before deciding to strip Lieberman of his committee chair next year. I still remain skeptical that they will actually strip him of his committee chair, since it will demonstrate self-respect and a willingness to stand up to conservative Democrats. This just isn’t something you see much of from our representatives in Congress, particularly the latter.

I agree. If I would argue that not only should he be stripped of his committee chairmanship, but of his seniority too.

Of course, that would require a spine, an unlikely event.

Penny Pritzker Needs to STFU

Ms. Pritzker, Barack Obama’s campaign finance chairwoman was, as I’ve noted earlier, chairman of the board for Superior Bank of Chicago, the bank that pioneered the subprime and predatory loans as a business model, that collapsed in 2001.

It’s likely that at some point this will become an issue, but to the degree that she invites reporters to cover her, as she clearly does here, she makes it even more likely.

The article is innocuous enough, it really is quite favorable, but it raises her public profile, which makes her a more likely target.

Given the current state of affairs in banking and housing, I cannot imagine anyone, in any campaign, who would not use her background against any campaign with which she was associated.

She needs to keep her head down.

Bush Administration Gets Slapped Down in Court….Again

This all seems to have happened in the past 6 months or so. I’m wondering if the judiciary has just gotten sick of them, or if lame duck syndrome changes the thinking of judges.

In this case, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit decided that the Bush EPA was full of it when they tried to prevent state and local governments from monitoring power plant pollution.

Seriously, it seems that the courts are finally getting around to reversing blatantly illegal crap that has been going on for years…Do the wheels of justice just grind this slow, or some members of the Judiciary realizing that this is not a boat that they want to hitch their anchor to?

Not Dick Cheney, Sargent Shriver

It appears that there is a rumor that Caroline Kennedy’s name is being floated as a VP pick for Obama.

She is on the selection committee, and the author of the article, Alexander Mooney, draws a comparison to Dick Cheney, who was on the selection committee.

The problem is that she ain’t Dick Cheney. It would be another Kennedy affirmative action hire, like Kathleen Kennedy Townsend in Maryland, or Sargent Shriver for McGovern’s running mate after Tom Eagleton bowed out.

Please, God no.

John Sidney McCain III: Wrong on Everything

I’m not sure what surprises me more, that someone in the press said this, that it came from the Startlegram (Fort Worth Star-Telegram my paper when I lived in Arlington, TX), or that the people who wrote this are senior members of the conservative CATO institute, which is heavily funded by the usual suspects, including Richard Mellon Scaife, but Ted Galen Carpenter and Malou Innocent get it completely when they say that , “Indeed, the record indicates that McCain’s own judgment is alarmingly bad.

They describe him as a, “Clear and present danger in the Oval Office.”

I’m wondering if conservatives are starting to tiptoe for the exits regarding the sick old man.

Economics Update

As it always is in times of crisis, we are seeing a flight to government bonds. Everything else appears too dicey, with mortgage applications at a nearly 8 year low, estimated food inflation for this year may be at a 28 year high, and home prices in high priced areas falling like a stone, even if volume is up a bit.

In energy and currency, the dollar is up a bit, as is oil, though neither are up significantly, and gasoline is down for the 34th straight day, and it’s now down about 10% from the peak.

The Final Word on Drinking Age

Care of Atrios:

Perhaps they should consider my cunning plan to let 18 year olds have a drinking license or a driver’s license but not both, which would have the added benefit of helping my plot to make everyone move to Manhattan increasing the appeal of less car dependent locations.

(emphasis mine)

I’m Matthew Saroff, and I approve of this message.