Year: 2008

Seriously, the Indian Defense Establishment is the Most Fracked Up Military-Industrial Complex on the Face of the Earth

I just saw this press release from the Indian government about the Nag anti-tank missile.

It’s supposedly a “third generation anti-tank missile”, and it’s supposed to undergo final trials in the next week or so, but the missile has been 22 years in development.

22 years? For an anti-tank missile?

That is completely whack, and once again the initials DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organization), a government agency and defense contractor, which figures prominently in this absurdity.

Perhaps, shuttering the organization, bulldozing the buildings, burning the rubble, encapsulating the ashes in concrete, and starting afresh in establishing an indigenous defense establishment would help, because, based on the performance that I’ve seen, this is the most screwed up defense procurement establishment in the world.

Airbus Says A320 W/GTF Could Be Ready in 30 Months

They are saying that it would take two and half years to integrate P&W’s geared turbofan into the A320.

The end date would depend on when they started, and at this point, a stumbling block would be that P&W is not releasing maintenance costs specifics.

When one considers the fact that what killed Thielert was the frequency of maintenance, and that the primary concern over the GTF is maintenance, so I would not expect any effort to integrate the engine until Pratt & Whitney either gives some guarantees, or there is some data on the wing in commercial service.

Epic Fail

So, WaPo scribe Krissah Williams Thompson is talking with some young Republicans at a bar, that she describes as, “A who’s who of young conservatives,” and they are bumming.

Let’s see, we have:

  • The 20-something who helped steer Fred Thompson’s Internet operation.
  • The young woman who put Mitt Romney’s Web site on the map.
  • A 24-year-old staffer for Newt Gingrich’s American Solutions for Winning the Future.
  • Editor in chief of the Heritage Foundation’s Web site.
  • A full time blogger at

Ummmm….I thought that conservatives were supposed to feel crappy when they failed. That they objected to efforts to raise self esteem absent of accomplishment.

When you are failures, you are supposed to feel bad.

Fitch Now Predicting ANOTHER 25% Drop in House Prices

This was a part of their updating their ResiLogic mortgage loss model, which is used to rate residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS), and they now believe that in constant dollar terms, residential real estate will fall 25% over the next 5 years.

Peak to trough, local housing bubbles bursting are typically 5 years, but this is far more widespread, and the bubble is far frothier.

I think that they are too optimistic. They ignore the size of the bubble, the national nature of the bubble, and the fact that unsustainably low interests created the bubble.

I agree with Rich Toscano’s assessment he did two years ago, which was far grimmer, (a 3-parter, see here, here, and here), though it should be noted that it’s primarily about San Diego, one of the frothier markets before the bubble burst.

What a Bunch of F&%$ing Whiners

Yes, we are now seeing hand wringing from the pampered self-centered Washington press corps.

The example given is when Adam Nagourney and Megan Thee write a piss-poor article on polling about Obama, Poll Finds Obama Isn’t Closing Divide on Race, and he’s offended, when the Obama campaign launches a point by point rebuttal that makes him look like a complete pratt.

If you don’t want to look like a pratt, stop being one.

The press needs to get over itself.

Economics Update

It sounds like good news, durable goods orders went higher in June, but it was almost entirely due to defense related purchases.

Real estate is pretty much bad news too, with 2nd quarter foreclosures up 120% year over year, and new home sales down, though not as crappy as expected.

Meanwhile, the National Australia Bank is writing down 90% of its mortgage backed securities, which is a realistic, if somewhat alarming valuation of these instruments.

In the world of retail, we have Rumors that Boscov’s is near collapse. They’re local, so maybe there will be some deals as a result.

More generally, oil and retail gasoline are down, and the dollar is mixed against world currencies.

New Stock Market Terms

Courtesy of WallStreetJackass:

CEO –Chief Embezzlement Officer.
CFO— Corporate Fraud Officer.
BULL MARKET — A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius.
BEAR MARKET — A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewelry, and the husband gets no sex.

Read the rest at the site…It’s a hoot.

The Next Thing to Kill You: Granite Countertops

Well, it looks like someone has finally noticed that granite actually contains small quantities of Uranium which decay into Radon gas.

Ummm…I’ve know that for years, but I went to school in New England, where granite is a major source of Radon.

Had a discussion with Harry Stubbs, pen name Hal Clement, where he said that his being in a trench about a mile from a nuclear blast in the 1950s exposed him to less radiation than hanging in his basement..He ran the numbers for us, actually.

The amount of radiation is small, but it might effect resale value, so if you are getting the counters installed, you might want to have a technician measure the radiation level before installation.

More Bad IP Legislation

Well, it appears that Senator Patrick Leahy has merged two draconian IP bills to create a bill that combines the worst of both.

I think that the problem is two fold:

  • The large IP driven businesses know that their business model exists only because of government support, so they spend lavishly.
  • That IP enforcement has been defined as ownership, when it is merely an exclusive license granted for the benefit of society.

So, we now have

  • Doubling of penalties
  • The authorization of federal prosecutors to use civil suits, where the burden of evidence is 50%+1
  • Confiscation of any property tangentially involved, like computers and houses.
  • The creation of an IP “Czar”, which would necessarily lead to an expansive and aggressive policy towards pursuing the law, as it is how the “Czar’s” office would justify its existence.

Bad law, bad policy, and a fundamental misunderstanding of the reasons behind copyright and patent protections.

DADT on the Block

It looks like the worm is finally turning on the antedeluvian Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy of the US Military,with Congress looking at changing the law.

Of course, Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, a right wing group, claims that it will drive away too many allegedly straight soldiers, but honestly this is not likely to be the case, and as the people most likely to leave are those who are attempting to make the US military an explicitly Evangelical Christian institution, it’s a net win for everyone.

We get needed skilled soldiers, and the religious whack-jobs who are creating a religiously hostile institution in contravention of good military order.

Every Major Senate Democratic Challenger Announces Support for Network Neutrality

Matt Stoller Reports that every major Senate Democratic challenger supports network neutrality:

Candidate State Contributions fromTelecom/Cable Position
Allen ME $2500 Favors
Begich AK $0 Favors
Franken MN $62,650 Favors
Hagan NC $0 Favors
Kleeb NE $0 Favors
LaRocco ID $4,600 Favors
Lunsford KY $0 Favors
Merkley OR $0 Favors
Musgrove MS (B) $0 Favors
Noriega TX $0 Favors
Rice OK $0 Favors
Shaheen NH $0 Favors
Slattery KS $2,800 Favors
Udall CO $54,450 Favors
Udall NM $0 Favors
Warner VA $45,050 Favors


And the Always Reliably Clueless Michelle Malkin Strikes Again

(No link to her, not ever)

It appears that Michelle Malkin is screaming * about the fund raising success of a challenger to John Murtha for congress, one William Russell.

The guy hasn’t campaigned, but he’s raised nearly $1 million, so Michelle Malkin is jumping around like a cheerleader with cerebral palsey.

The kicker is that this money has come from a corrupt Republican direct mail fund raising outfit called BMW direct, which has a history of raising lots of money for long shot candidates, and then eating up pretty much all of the money raised through their fees, and for fees from consultants close to the firm:

In the most recent quarter Russell raised $669,534, almost all from out-of-state donors who presumably are on BMW Direct’s list of self-styled conservatives with a good track record of responding to direct-mail fundraising.

At the same time, he spent $442,990, almost all of it on expenses related to the direct mail effort and paid to BMW Direct and its affiliates (some of which share the same downtown Washington office).

The only expenses that appear to be spent on an actual campaign totaled about $20,000 for Web site design, a low-budget video and a campaign consultant based in Pennsylvania rather than Washington.

He reports having $269,953 in cash on hand. But he also reports debts totaling $242,521 — almost all for direct mail expenses to BMW Direct and its vendors.

So that leaves him only about $27,431 ahead — not much for a guy who’s raised a total of nearly $1 million this election cycle.

Of course, if Ms. Malkin really thought about what would benefit the Republican party, though she’s not paid to think, she would realize that folks like BMW direct are a cancer on her party, and direct some of her venom against them.

*Yes, I know, she’s always screaming.
Actually she does “jumping around like a cheerleader with cerebral palsey” bit a lot. Have you seen the video of her in a cheerleader outfit cheering “Defeatocrats”?
As to why she has a cheerleading outfit when it’s clear that she was never a cheerleader, that’s between her and Jesse Malkin, her husband, and I really don’t want to know the details.

Just in Case You are Wondering How Serious Congress is About Corruption, We Have an Answer

That is clear from the appointments made to the so-called ethics review board in the House of Representatives, where Nancy Pelosi has made Porter Goss co-chairman of the board.

If you recall, Goss was forced to resign from the CIA when a hooker/lobbyist scandal tied into the Randall “Duke” Cunningham affair hit the news, and tied him to those involved.
