Gaza Update

In what may be the most significant move of the war, Israelhas seized the Hamas TV station, Al-Aqsa.

Really I’m serious. I believe that one of the strategic goals of this war for the Israelis is seizing Hamas’s media tools, which play a significant part of their political apparatus.

I’m not making joke about how this war is really a hit called by Disney Corporation, because Al-Aqsa broadcast “Farfour,” an anti-semitic Mickey Mouse look-a-like.

There is more to this action than that, though I would still day, whatever you do, don’t f$#@ with the mouse.

The most interesting thing here is just how terrified surrounding Arab governments are of Hamas.

Notwithstanding Hamas’s Sunni theology, their close ties to Iran have Egypt, Jordan, and the House of Saud in particular concerned about some sort of revolutionary Shia tidal wave hitting them.

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