What Are They Smoking?

Russia and India now have an in-service date for their joint next generation fighter program, the PAK-FA, 2017.

This simply is not going to happen that soon, particularly when India is still unsatisfied with the level of technology transfer, and they haven’t yet agreed on the number of crew (Russia wants a single seater, India a 2-seater).

They may have a demonstrator, at a maturity level of the MiG MFI, or the BAE EAP in the next 5 years, but the former never saw production, and the successor to the latter the Typhoon, did enter service until more than a decade after it rolled out.

If this ever enters service, I’d my guess is that it would be closer to 2025 than 2017.

And the P-80 was 180 days from proposal to first flight……

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