Economics Update

Your Scary Pic of the Day, Courtesy of Calculated Risk

So, today is the day for new jobless claims, and U.S. jobless claims rose by 9000 to 654,000, which is not a new record, though the continuing claims number of 5.317 million, which was a new record.

Well, we are seeing more in the way of rate cuts world wide, with the European Central Bank approaching 0% interest rates by stealth, using their deposit rate now at ½%, as opposed to their benchmark rate, now at 1½%, by lending like a madman, and the the Swiss central bank cut its benchmark rate to ¼% in an effort to keep the Franc from appreciating against other currencies, so the zero interest rate contagion is spreading.

And the consumer is still on vacation with retail sales falling by 0.1% in February, and it’s seen as a sign of progress, because the experts were expecting a fall of 0.5%.

It’s no wonder that retail sales are falling, as U.S. household net worth fell at a record pace in 4Q 2008, $5.1 trillion for the quarter and $11.2 trillion for the year, and this was accompanied by the first drop, at a 2% annual rate, in household debt ever.

These numbers are not surprising. With house prices down, and a foreclosures rising 30% year over year, and 6% month to month in February, it just makes sense to economize.

Interestingly enough, even though foreclosures continue to increase, mortgage rates fell this week, largely on the expectation of little in the way of inflationary pressures because of the weak economy.

We also have two bits of WTF today, with yet another bank, this time Bank of America saying that it made a profit in the first two months of the year, while not counting its losses in the big sh&^pile.

Additionally, S&P has downgraded General Electric from AAA to AA+, which, until the last year or so, I always thought was a sign of the economic apocalypse.

In energy, oil is up. largely on the retail sales report.

In currency, the dollar is up, largely on the aforementioned Swiss rate cuts.

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