Geithner Fesses Up

Well, I suppose that it’s an improvement that we now have people in cabinet positions who, when caught in a bald faced lie, will, when absolutely forced to, tell the truth.

Compared to Dick Cheney, or Alberto Gonzalez, the fact that Timothy Geithner is now admitting that it was the Treasury that demanded the bonus loophole is a step forward.

Of course, this followed 24 hours of “pin the bonus on Chris Dodd,” and only when people went back to contemporaneous news reports, and his fellow senators pushed back against the smear, did they change their tune, but considering the fact that Ari Fleischer accused Saddam Hussein of planning 911 just 6 days ago, this is a step forward, but still, Geithner needs to realize that he works for Barack Obama, who works for us, and not the banks.

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