Wanker of the Day: Henry Porter

Mr. Porter is complaining about Google and Youtube, because in negotiating with Performing Rights Society, the UK music licensing organization, Google, “took down the videos of the artists concerned,” when the PRS demanded £0.22, about $0.40, for each video watched.

I would be surprised if Google grosses $0.04 per video watched on Youtube, and they are demanding nearly half a dollar, so Google tells you to pound sand, and it appears that he’s also angry because Google “only” takes down infringing material promptly when notified, when required by law, as opposed to…well, it’s not clear, but he thinks it’s bad.


This is where the idea of IP as “property” as opposed to “temporary exclusive license” gets us, and it does not encourage the useful sciences and arts, which is what it’s there for, at least in the USA.

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