Gee, This is Credible

The BJP is saying that if the US rescinds a tax break used to outsource workers that they will remove India from the nuclear deal with the US, and buy their civilian reactors from the French.

Note that the tax break subsidizes shipping jobs from America to India, but then again, as the spectacle of appropriations bills and the agriculture bill show, everyone wants their subsidy.

Of course, the French don’t subsidize outsourcing software and support to India, and the number of Francophones is relatively small in India, so the couldn’t move much business there if they tried.

Additionally, the BJP, the Hindu Nationalist (or as I like to call them, Fascist) Party is not the party in power, that’s the Congress Party, though there is a campaign ongoing.

It’s electioneering, and means nothing, though if I were Barack Obama, I would call their bluff.

It would not even effect the nuclear industry for the next few years, as lead times are very long for such projects.*

*Full disclosure, I did work for a brief time in the nuclear industry last year, on plant shutdown and cleanup of waste.

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