It Must Be Nice to Live in a Place Where There are Civil Rights

Like the UK, where the nation’s highest court, the Law Lords, have rejected the use of secret evidence in trials:

Britain’s highest court, the House of Lords, ruled against the government on Wednesday in a sensitive case involving the use of secret evidence to justify imposing home curfews on terrorism suspects.

Nine law lords unanimously upheld an appeal by three men who argued it was against their human rights to be subject to control orders, a form of house arrest, based on secret evidence they are not privy to and cannot challenge in court.

A trial procedure can never be considered fair if a party to it is kept in ignorance of the case against him,” wrote Nicholas Phillips, Britain’s most senior law lord, in issuing the lengthy judgment.

(emphasis mine)

Of course, in the good old USA, we’re moving to a new and improved military commissions system here, for whom an unfair trial is a feature, not a bug.

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