Obama to Paterson: Drop Dead

So, Barack Obama’s people have told New York Governor David Paterson that he should not run for reelection, and to put a cap on this, they have leaked this to the press.

New York State government is supremely dysfunctional, and one of the main reasons is because the Republicans managed to Gerrymander themselves into a state senate majority for a very long time, because everyone on both sides of the aisle were cool with it, so long as they were winners in the incumbent-protection racket redistricting process too.

Now that Republicans have weakened enough to lose their hold on the senate, and now that there are indications that the senate will likely stay lost to them in next few cycles, their former Joesph Bruno is under indictment, we have the spectacle of the what might be the most incompetent Governor in the nation insisting that he will run for reelection, which might very well place Republicans back in the Governor’s mansion when redistricting rolls around in 2012 or so.

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