Month: September 2009

What a Whiny Bitch

Joe Klein acts like a turd at a party to I.F. Stone’s grand daughter, where among other things, he claims that Wikipedia is “leftist”, and has clueless his ass handed to him, and then he basically describes her as a member of Glenn Greenwald’s “cult”, and then he gets his nose out of shape about this:

Now, Greenwald himself has published private emails of mine that were part of a conversation taking place on a list-serve. In one of those emails, I say that Greenwald “cares not a whit for America’s national security.”

You know, the intersection of private emails and listserve (no hyphen, dude) is a null set. If you post to a listserv, and expect it to be private, you are a complete tool.

He further goes on, republishing another of his emails from the listserv, that while, “not a religious reader of Greenwald,” he has never heard him talk about who well, for example, well things went in Anbar province.

Ignoring the obvious, that if you are, “not a religious reader of Greenwald,” then you don’t know whether he wrote this or not, there is also the fact that Glenn Greenwald writes about civil liberties, not military tactics, but he continues to insist that because he, Joe Klein, has not read something on the subject, that Greenwald is somehow evil and anti-American.

It should be noted that the real cause of this is when Glenn Greenwald showed that Klein was holding authoritatively on the FISA legislation in Congress, and being completely wrong, because he had been, “he’d been lied to, by a Democratic Staffer,” ignoring the fact, that if he had read the legislation, or even if he had just had an intern read the legislation, he would have been known that what he was spouting was a crock of sh$#.

So much like Dick Cheney, Mr. Klein is a whiny bitch.

[update]Greenwald’s response, though it is rather more generally directed at the Washington DC Kule Kidz, than at Klein.

Army Revives Guided 2.75-inch Rocket Procurement

Well, it’s beginning to look the army is going to take another look at a guided 2.75-inch rocket after the congress took the money from their advanced precision kill weapon system program, and transferred it to the Marine Corps, who were apparently much further along on the task of integrating guided rockets into combat units that the Army.

The original concept was to have a guided weapon to hang from the OH-58 and similar helicopters, but given the hot and (very!) high operating conditions in Afghanistan, and the nature of the targets, a Hellfire is overkill for a truck or an ox cart.

As the picture shows, you can carry 7 rockets (right of picture store) for each Hellfire:

A market survey released on 28 August by the army’s joint attack munition systems office says that high-altitude conditions require the army to trade the number of “stowed kills” on board an aircraft in favour of adding extra fuel.

“This undesirable trade is believed to be unnecessary given recent developments by industry on lightweight precision munitions,” it adds. “Industry efforts have resulted in a number of semi-active laser (SAL) munitions that may have the potential to satisfy army aviation’s need for a lightweight, precision munition.”

Market survey? I know what they mean, but the juxtaposition of the phrase “Market Survey,” and US Army is a bit odd.

Background here.