Saint Rush Limbaugh has Done a Miracle

Specifically, he has gotten someone who lives within 25 miles of where Memorial Stadium, home field for the Baltimore Colts, once stood, to say something nice about someone with the last name of Irsay.*

You see Jim Irsay, son of the infamous (if you have any affection at all for the Baltimore Colts) Bob Irsay, and owner of the (now) Indianapolis Colts, has come out in the strongest terms against Rush Limbaugh being a part owner of the Rams or any other NFL franchise:

“I myself couldn’t even think of voting for him,” said Irsay speaking from the NFL’s fall ownership meetings in Boston.

Asked if he’d spoken to other owners about Limbaugh’s candidacy, Irsay said, “I haven’t and I don’t think I would even go to the point of talking to Tony Dungy, Jim Caldwell, Dwight Freeney, talking to those men and seeing what their positions are. I’m very sensitive to know there are scars out there. I think as a nation we need to stop it. Our words do damage and it’s something that we don’t need. We need to get to a higher level of humanity and we have.

Good for Jim Irsay for taking the high road….I can’t f%$^ing believe that I just said that.

BTW, it looks like Limbaugh’s toxicity has killed any possibility of his taking any ownership role deal, because NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has said that Limbaugh’s statements are “divisive”:

“I’ve said many times before, we’re all held to a high standard here,” Goodell said. Then he continued: “I would not want to see those comments coming from people who are in a responsible position in the NFL –- absolutely not.”

Put a fork in your involvement with the NFL, Rush, you won’t ever be allowed to be a broadcaster or an owner.

My earlier post on this is here.

*Bob Irsay literally moved the Colts out of town in the middle of the night in a bit of infamy called “The Move”, see here.

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