Republicans Horrified that N***ers Vote

Yep, it’s John Fund, whose other claim to fame is to have bedded a mother and her daughter roughly 20 years apart, and when police came to investate a resulting domestic abuse charge, he hid in the bathroom:

Appearing on Fox News’ Glenn Beck, John Fund claimed that Hispanic voters in Camden, New Jersey, are being told that there is “a new way for you to vote, la nueva forma de votar” — an anecdote Fund suggested was evidence of voter fraud in the state’s 2009 gubernatorial election. In fact — as Fund himself wrote in a Wall Street Journal column published hours earlier — that incident actually occurred in Philadelphia in 1993.

Of course, there is also the fact that anyone in New Jersey can vote by mail if they so choose, as opposed to Pennsylvania 16 years ago, where absentee ballots were supposed to be available only to those who could show a good reason to not be in town that day.

In NJ, anyone can mail in a ballot for any reason.

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