I Get Emails from Politicos Raising Funds

In this case Frank Kratovil, who was looking for both money and sweat equity.

My reply:

I live in Owings Mills, very close to your district, and might be inclined to contribute or volunteer for efforts in Baltimore County, except for the vote on Healthcare Reform.

First, I do not believe that this would be a good use of my time. As Harry S Truman said, “Given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican, people will vote for the real Republican all the time,” and I believe that the voters of MD-1 will choose the real Republican regardless of what I do.

Secondly, on a more personal level, I am self-employed, and use MHIP for my insurance, because there is no other insurance available due to my wife’s pre-existing conditions, and I have seen cuts in coverage and a rate hike in excess of 50% just this year.

Third, anyone who cites the Washington Post editorial board on healthcare [he linked to some WaPo Op/Eds], where they have consistently and deliberately got the facts wrong, is being either clueless or disengenuous.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Matthew G. Saroff

And yes, I did reference Hitchhikers.

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