Economics Update

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H/t New York Observer

We have another sign of “green shoots,” with wholesale inventories rising for the first time in 13 months.

I’m not sure if this is a trend, or if wholesale inventories are hitting a kind of “zero bound”, where it just cannot go any lower.

We also saw treasurys falling, and yields rising, after a weak auction of 10 year treasuries.

In real estate, mortgage applications hit a 2-month high, largely on people refinancing to lock in lower rates, but more significant is the fact that the best estimate of losses in home value in 2009 was $500 billion, which, surprisingly enough is a major improvement, as home values fell $3.6 trillion.

In currency, the dollar fell today, most likely on profit taking after 3 straight days of gains, and in energy, oil fell on more reports of strengthening inventories.

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