The Kaplan Test Prep Company,* Yet Again

So, the Washington Post put Sarah Palin on their their OP/ED pages yesterday, for what seems like the gazillionth time, but is most likely 2nd or 3rd time, and once again they show why all editorial pages, most particularly that of the Washington Post, really need to fact check their OP/Ed Pages. (No link, they don’t deserve it)

Of course, if they started fact checking OP/EDs, then Krauthammer and George Will would have nothing left after the editors got through with them.

Tim Lambert notes that the article is full of lies which can be verified via 10 minutes on “The Google”, while Media Matters goes a bit further in their research and notes that the lies are contradicted in articles published by……… wait for it ……… the Washington Post.

In fact, the links in Palins article actually contradict what she is writing.

While I like Matthew Yglesias’s snark that the editorial page editor of The Washington Post, Fred Hiatt, “wants the Washington Post to go out of business, I think that Atrios has what is the final word on this:

I can never quite get a handle on just what the Washington Post people – its publishers, Fred Hiatt, etc… – think that it’s for? Is it about providing a product people want to buy/advertisers want to advertise in? It is about informing readers, giving them factual information and analysis they want? Are these missions in conflict or do they coincide?

And why does it take bloggers to point out how absurd they are? Where are all the journalists who spend their days bitching about bloggers? Don’t they care that the product they’re defending is basically sh@#?”

(@# mine)

I would be remiss in not pointing the reader to Marc Ambinder’s point by point takedown.

*The Washington Post owns, and generates the vast bulk of its revenue, by owning and operating Kaplan, Inc., a company best known for selling courses to help teenagers game the standardized test process.

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