Why is the Best Person on Obama’s Economic Team is a Bush Appointee

I am referring, of course to Sheila Bair, who is now trying to use the FDIC’s leverage over banks that have loan loss sharing agreements with the agency to offer principal reductions on homes:

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila Bair may ask lenders to cut the principal on as much as $45 billion in mortgages acquired from seized banks, expanding her bid to aid homeowners as unemployment rises.

The FDIC, which has taken over 124 failed banks this year, may seek to have lenders that sign loss-sharing agreements when acquiring the assets do more than cut interest rates or defer the loan’s principal, Bair said today in an interview at Bloomberg’s Washington office.

“We’re looking now at whether we should provide some further loss sharing for principal write downs,” Bair said. “Now you’re in a situation where even the good mortgages are going bad because people are losing their jobs. So you have other factors now driving mortgage distress.”

Good for her, though it reflects very poorly on Obama that his people are being shown to be in the pockets of the finance industry.

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