The Hague, Bitches

We have new revelations on the British investigation of what happened during the march to the invasion of Iraq, the sort of investigation that US politicians have specifically eschewed, has revealed that Tony Blair was informed that Saddam had no WMD before the invasion:

Tony Blair was aware of last-minute intelligence revealing that Saddam Hussein had probably dismantled his chemical and biological weaponry, a key adviser has said.

Sir John Scarlett, who was the head of the Joint Intelligence Committee in the run-up to the war, said that two reports received in March 2003, which suggested that Iraq’s weaponry had been taken to pieces, were sent directly to the former prime minister. He also said that Mr Blair was made aware of doubts over Saddam’s access to the warheads needed to deliver them.

We now have enough evidence for the ICC to start an investigation, and perhaps enough for an indictment.

Please though, make it a secret indictment, so you can apprehend Reverend Smiler when he steps off the plane in Brussels.

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