Well Damn, This Takes Chutzpah*

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Damn! I need this image on speed dial!

TPM reads Esquire’s interview with Alberto “Abu” Gonzalez, and finds this plum:

We should have abandoned the idea of removing the U. S. attorneys once the Democrats took the Senate. Because at that point we could really not count on Republicans to cut off investigations or help us at all with investigations. We didn’t see that at the Department of Justice. Nor did the White House see that. Karl didn’t see it. If we could do something over again, that would be it.

So, the only problem with politically purging the US Attorney corps, in order to drive corrupt and politically motivated prosecutions, was that Democrats were in power, and they would not, like the republicans had when they were in power, refuse to investigate.

*I was considering using the phrase “huevos”, meaning balls, but I find the connotation both too complimentary: If there is anything that describes Alberto “Abu” Gonzalez, it is his complete lack of balls. He would never, ever say no.

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