Year: 2009

Swiss Push Back Fighter Deal Competition

The official word is that they are looking for more industrial involvement by Swiss industry, but the effect is to push back the date of the decision.

The competitors still standing are the Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, and the SAAB Gripen

Of note is the fact that they are still evaluating noise data, which would tend to favor the smallest aircraft (Gripen), and it looks like they want the Swedes to purchase their Pilatus trainer should they win.

More Google Ads Mishugas

So I come across this add when I bring up my blog, an add offering “Ann Coulter Free” (no link, I don’t want to drive her traffic).

I do not involve myself in what Google® Adsense® serves, I just make fun of them when it they get it wrong, and this ad is very, very wrong.

Truth be told, I don’t want Ann Coulter free, I want Ann Coulter in jail for vote fraud.

Expect the Stock Market Rally to End Soon

Because stock sales by executives and other insiders at firms has hit the highest level since 2007.

They know that the earnings for this quarter are not sustainable, and they are getting out of their own companies’ stocks and into cash:

Executives and insiders at U.S. companies are taking advantage of the steepest stock market gains since 1938 to unload shares at the fastest pace since the start of the bear market.

What we have been seeing is a bear rally or dead cat bounce.

Someone Else Recommends Disbanding the USAF

Only this time, as opposed to being a proposal in the milblogosphere, it’s a retired Marine corps officer, Paul Kane on the OP/ED pages of the New York Times.

I agreed with it then, and I agree with it now.

He also suggests that the services abandon up or out, where officers are discharged if they get passed over for promotion twice, which is a good idea too.

Up or out tends to create sycophants, because having a poor review given out of enmity can destroy a career, and is one reason that our current military is so top heavy (1 officer per 5 enlisted men, as opposed to the 1:10 it had through most of its history).

Lockheed Martin Rolls Over on F-22 Cancellation

This is an unexpected but welcome development:

A top Lockheed Martin executive says the company will not oppose the Department of Defense’s proposal to halt F-22 production. The company stands to lose production lines for the F-22 and the VH-71 presidential helicopter under fiscal year 2010 budget proposals announced by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on 6 April.

I can’t imagine what gun that they are holding to LM’s head to make them do this, but it needs to used across the entire Pentagon procurement process.

Russian Draws Back Veil from MiG-31BM

Russia has finally displayed the latest version of the MiG 31 interceptor along with its weapons loadout.

Of interest is that this is the first showing of the R-33S (bottom pic, right hand side), which differs from the basic R-33 by having some small destabilizing surfaces up front (the ones with the ray and white bodies).

It’s about 40 kg (88 lb) heavier than the basic R-33, which would imply some increase in range, and the destabilizing surfaces implies an increase in maneuverability, though it is still clearly not intended for highly maneuverable targets.

You can click the pics for the full size photographs.

Amazingly Politically Incorrect Humor

So, I’m on the Stellar Parthenon BBS, and we are discussing the rapidly deteriorating state of governance in Pakistan, and I’m a part of the following exchange:

Me: (Furiously calling up Wiki) Pakistan has somewhere around 40 throughly weaponized and deliverable nuclear warheads….

CZ: That many? F@#$.

UM: Don’t worry, they’re all pointed at India.
I think they could probably wipe out about 5% of India’s total population.

Me: As long as they are pointed at whoever does tech support for Dell…..

DC: Let me provide the coordinates.

CZ: Win!

Congress Threatens Subpoena Over BoA Threats

Now that Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis’ testimony before NY State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has been released, members of Congress want the documents to investigate, and are threatening a subpoena if they don’t get them.

Representatives Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who the Domestic Policy subpanel, are demanding that all relevant documents be turned over to them, and they are threatening a subpoena:

The implications of Mr. Lewis’ testimony, if accurate, are extremely serious. Under these circumstances failure to comply with the Subcommittee’s request raises the prospect that we will be forced to consider compulsory means to achieve compliance with our request. However, we would prefer your voluntary compliance.

(emphasis mine)

As I’ve said before, it sounds to me like Paulson and Bernanke broke the law, and a full investigation would be a very good idea.

Hell an indictment would be a very good idea.

General Motors Update

The big news is that the Firebird is dead, as GM will eliminate Pontiac, though it is keeping GMC.

I wonder if they will look for a legislative fix to minimize the costs of winding it down, as GM had to pay billions to dealers when it wound down Oldsmobile a few years back.

Additionally, they gust got $2 billion more lent to them, which implies that the folks looking at this on the automotive task force think that they are getting their sh&% together.

We Need to Be More European

Because the EU is proposing a cap on executive compensation:

Bankers’ bonuses and golden parachutes would be capped in all European Union countries under a draft policy circulating in Brussels that amounts to one of the broadest responses yet to concerns about executive pay.

No BS about, “If you participate in this program, you are limited,” it applies to everyone.

They are saying, “Just so much and no more never more than a spot or something may happen, you never know what.”

Even if the bankers were doing a good job, that level of remuneration is immoral, whether its a lawyer or a football player.

Elections Have Consequences, Part IV

Obama has stated his intention to shut down federal subsidies to private student loan lenders and go exclusively with direct federal loans.

It should save $5 billion a year for the taxpayers and lower interest rates for students, so everyone wins….Except, of course for the private lenders, who are basically parasites anyway, so it doesn’t bother me.

I believe taht he can do most of this through executive order, which is a good thing.