Year: 2009

Evolution Disproved!

I just hurt myself laughing:

In a severe blow to the credibility of evolutionary science, biologist Richard Dawkins admitted today that Darwin’s theory of evolution could offer no rational explanation for the continued existence of creationists. The process of natural selection sees genes which provide an advantage in the battle for survival being preserved across generations, but scientists can find no useful purpose for the gene which leads people to believe that the earth was created in only six days about 10,000 years ago.

Solipsism as proof of Genesis.

What is Wrong with the Village:

Dana Perino is joining Mark Penn’s PR firm, Burson-Marsteller:

Mr. Penn, the firm’s CEO, said Ms. Perino’s experiences in Mr. Bush’s second term make her a valuable addition to the team of battle-tested public-relations veterans he is assembling. Mr. Penn writes a “Microtrends” column for The Wall Street Journal Online.

Bull. She was clubbed daily like a baby seal.

This is all about the incestuous ways in Washington, DC, and I can think of no better illustration of why the town needs a good muck-raking prosecutor to clean it out.

Dutch Soft Pedal JSF Order

It turns out that the Dutch Government did not have the votes to buy two JSF test aircraft without a firm fixed price commitment (Yeah, what are they smoking?*)

They managed a compromise, in which they order the test aircraft, but defer the production order from 2010 to 2011 or 2012, when the price should be firmer. (Yeah, what are they smoking?*)

The problem is that the last sale was what was clearly a phony price (around $80m a pop), and the opposition expects massive cost and schedule problems….And they are probably right.

*Well, it’s Holland, so we have a pretty good idea.

Obama Plan to Nationalize Student Lending Meets Forces of Evil

Most notably Sallie Mae, which has a history of cheating students, bribing college financial aid officers, and contributing generously Congressional campaigns.

As Matthew Yglesias notes, the college lending giant’s “compromise”, would waste $17 billion a year as compared to direct loans.

Luckily, Obama can eliminate much of the fraud, waste, and abuse, by which I mean much of the private players in the student loan market, through executive orders, as well he should.

Do I Look Like a F&^%ing Idiot?

Goldman Sach’s CFO, David Viniar, says that he is mystified at why people care about the dealings between AIG and Goldman, “They’re one of thousands and thousands and thousands of counterparties and the results of any trading with AIG are completely immaterial to what we do…I am mystified by this fascination with AIG.”

People are interested because you bought phony insurance contracts (CDS’s) from them, and when they imploded, you got the taxpayer to pay out at 100¢ on the dollar, creating yet another subsidy for you corrupt bastards.

Even people who don’t understand the whole picture, they know that this is corrupt, and that they are being stuck with the check for this.

Your claim that profits on AIG deals, “rounded to zero”, in 2008 is bullsh%$. In a fair system, your firm should have lost millions, if not billions, were it not for yet another subsidy of you corrupt losers.

Breaking News: Wall Street Salary Caps Drive Away Assholes!

From the ever reliable Andy Borowitz:

As the federal government moves to institute salary caps for Wall Street executives, an increasing number of assholes are seeking employment elsewhere, a study confirmed today.

According to the report commissioned by the University of Minnesota’s School of Business, at a time when the economy needs experienced hands at the tiller, some of the financial world’s best-trained dickwads are fleeing the ship.


I need a screen wipe.

TARP Overseer Stonewalled on Stress Test Details

This is getting way out of hand, and someone needs to go postal on everyone involved in this process:

There’s a major problem and a minor problem. The minor problem is documentation. I’ve spent four weeks now looking for someone who can give me the details of the stress test so that we can do an independent evaluation of whether the stress test is any good.

We get: “someone will call [you] right back.” Only the call doesn’t come.

Hopefully, this will improve with Kashkari’s replacement, but my guess is that this comes from Geithner, not Kashkari.

Those Good Bank Numbers Aren’t, and Other Bank Shenanigans

Goldman Sachs, as I mentioned yesterday, is looking to sell shares to pay off the TARP, which is made easier by their recent profit numbers.

How did they make those numbers, it turns out that they put their losses into December, and then dropped the month from their quarterly results

Goldman’s 2008 fiscal year ended Nov. 30. This year the company is switching to a calendar year. The leaves December as an orphan month, one that will be largely ignored. In Goldman’s earnings statement, and in most of the news reports, the quarter ended March 31 is compared to the quarter last year that ended in February.

The orphan month featured — surprise — lots of write-offs. The pretax loss was $1.3 billion, and the after-tax loss was $780 million.

How remarkably convenient.

Then we have Wells Fargo, which also announced good quarterly results, and now analysts are saying that losses uncovered in the stress test will uncover $120 billion in losses, and require that $50 billion in capital be raised.

But wait, there’s more, as other analysts are saying that Bank of America is likely seriously short on capital, and will need to dilute its shareholders stocks.

Finally, because they haven’t boned the taxpayer enough, Citigroup is looking to cut its conversion ratio, the rate at which it is planning to convert its preferred stock to common stock, and the largest preferred shareholders is, you guessed it, the American taxpayer, because the share price for the common stock has gone from about 98¢ to $3.97/share when I checked the number today.

Timothy “Eddie Haskell” Geithner should go tell Citi CEO Vikram Pandit to go Cheney himself, but he won’t because, he’s is the big bankers’ bitch.