Year: 2009

Man Tortured and Renderd by Obama DoJ for….Defense Congract Fraud

Unfortunately, this is not senior staff at Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, or SAIC, but rather a relatively low level employee of a construction firm:

According to court papers, on April 7, 2009, Azar and a Lebanese-American colleague, Dinorah Cobos, were seized by “at least eight” heavily armed FBI agents in Kabul, Afghanistan, where they had traveled for a meeting to discuss the status of one of his company’s U.S. government contracts. The trip ended with Azar alighting in manacles from a Gulfstream V executive jet in Manassas, Virginia, where he was formally arrested and charged in a federal antitrust probe.

This rendition involved no black sites and was clearly driven by a desire to get the target quickly before a court. Also unlike renditions of the Bush-era, the target wasn’t even a terror suspect; rather, he was suspected of fraud. But in a troubling intimation of the last administration, accusations of torture hover menacingly over the case. According to papers filed by his lawyers, Azar was threatened, subjected to coercive interrogation techniques and induced to sign a confession. Azar claims he was hooded, stripped naked (while being photographed) and subjected to a “body cavity search.”

This is why we need to prosecute Bush and His Evil Minions, torture always comes home.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Yeah, Deregulation Works…..

The most deregulated telecommunications in the market is in the United States, and so is the most expensive cell phone market, and Finland, Netherlands and Sweden have the lowest rates. (OECD report here)

Surprise, surprise, surprise, when you deregulate companies that profit from making it difficult for consumers to switch services, and use the leverage to keep prices high, use this as their business model.

The problem in many areas of our economy is not too much regulation, but too little.

What’s the Word For This???? Oh….Right….Regulation

Put this down to “Elections can mean something.”

It looks like the case of Goldman Sachs’s allegedly purloined high speed trading software, aka “Flash Trading”, which a number of observers, myself included, have noted sounds a lot like front-running the entire stock market, now appears to be creating some regulatory push-back.

Basically, this allowed high speed servers co-located with the markets to execute trades in the milliseconds between when other trades are initiated, and when they are completed.

First, as a result of questions raised by Senator Charles Schumer, both Nasdaq and Bats Global Markets have decided to stop allowing brokerages to execute trades in this manner on their exchanges.

The Financial Times notes that this sort of automated trading currently accounts for over ½ of all US stock trades.

Additionally, it appears that the S.E.C. is looking at restricting the process.

Here is a simple solution: Require that any trading done by computers be delayed by at least 15 minutes from initiation to execution.

It also looks like the S.E.C will crack down on “naked” short sales, where an investor sells shares he does not have, as opposed to borrowing shares to sell, which they would purchase and return at a later date.

On the commodities side of the equation, the FTC is issuing new rules to restrict the ability of traders to manipulate the markets.

I’m wondering when the Giethner/Summers shoe will drop, and they will push for elimination of these regulations, because it makes US markets “less competitive.”

Talking to God Does Not Make You Crazy

But when you hear him answering back, in complete sentences, and he is saying, “Michelle Bachmann, you should run for President….Well, yes, that is batsh%$ insane.

To be fair, Michelle Bachmann is not claiming that God told her to run for President, though she did say that God told her to run for Congress, she’s just saying that she expects God to ask her to run for president.

“The phrase ‘paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur’ is not in the aardvark’s vocabulary, so, in his mind, he substitutes ‘crazy as a panrovian monk’ . . . ” (Cerebus #5 p 13)

I feel embarrassment sharing a country with her….How do her constituents not go through life with bags over their heads to conceal their identities.

“These People Are Unappeasable”

Krugman nails it on MSNBC:

Of course, this does not prevent the White House from capitulating on the public option, because, as I’ve said before, Barack Obama does not care about healthcare reform, he cares about being able to sign some sort of healthcare reform bill, even if it is bad and has no real reform, because he gets to claim success.

They are talking Co-Ops, which we know won’t work, because they haven’t worked. If they were even marginally successful, we would see hundreds of them, some of them huge, and we don’t….They can be counted on the fingers.

Israel Looking at UAV Ambulance

There are definitely reasons for such a craft, but I think that unmanned ambulance is not one of the better applications.

If you are evacuating someone, you want have a doctor or paramedic on site to administer things like plasma, etc., and they would likely need to monitor the patient for the trip if it is any longer than about 10 minutes, and once you have to do that, having a pilot too makes sense.

That being said, things like remote resupply would be a viable application.

Gee, It’s not Only Boeing that Has Wing Drop Issues

When I interviewed with Lockheed-Martin Fort Worth in the late 1990s, I talked with 3 or 4 people, and they all took pot-shots at the recently discovered problems with wing drop on the then new F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet.

In tight turns in the transonic range, there would be unequal lift generated because the shock wave locations would be slightly different, and so you would get wing drop.

It now appears that that the F-35 JSF is at risk of the same behavior, at least for the extended wing CTOL carrier C model (also here), so they have put some spoilers outboard of the wing fold (see picture) just in case they cannot deal it with flap scheduling.

In the scheme of things, it’s not a particularly big deal, but considering the constant razzing the boy in Fort Worth gave Boeing over the Super Bug, it is a bit amusing.

A Claude Rains Moment

I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here!

The New York Times is reporting that all though the bailout process, Hank Paulson was consulting daily, and in some cases hourly, with Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein, despite ethics requirements, and promises to Congress during his confirmation hearing, that would mandate that he keep the firm at arm’s length.

What’s more, he did not have similar conversations with any of the other investment firms.

It should be noted that many of these conversations were during the initial resolution of the AIG crisis, where the decision to honor what were clearly fraudulent credit default swap (CDS) contracts kept Goldman, and the rest of the Wall Street solvent, and out of government hands, protecting their high paying jobs.

Seriously, whether or not you want to go after Bush and His Evil Minions for things like torture, which we should, this is garden variety corruption, and not criminalizing policy, and should be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.

H/T The Big Picture.

Zimbabwe Update

In a move that has “Epic Fail” written all over it, the Police are attempting to staff up by actively recruiting ZANU-PF youth militia members to the force.

As if the state security apparatus were not brutal, politicized and corrupt already.

We also have Arthur Mutambara, head of the MDC-M, stating the obvious, and noting that neither the MDC-M nor Tsvangerai’s MDC-T have any meaningful control of the government.

On the brighter side, we are now seeing divisions in the ZANU-PF over who should succeed late Vice President Joseph Msika, and it appears that the split is between the people originally from ZANU (Robert Mugabe) and PF-ZAPU (Joshua Nkomo).

One hopes that the MDC, both -T and -M, can use this discord to get some meaningful influence in this dynamic.