With the CPAC* Conference Going On

The first rule of Investment Banking Club is,
you do not talk about Investment Banking Club.

You generally know where to look for selfishness and an immature sense of entitlement, but Moe Tkacik finds something that makes the folks at CPAC looking like Mahatma Ghandi.

Rather unsurprisingly, she finds it on wall street, where the bankers are, “As mad as hell,” about all the nasty things that people say about them ……… All while sucking down 7 figure salaries and bonuses.

You see, the bankers had a get together, and they invited her:

Still, I had heard of no plan for any sort of public up-close-and-personal plutocrat-on-plutocrat spectacle to give voice to the inchoate counterrevolution, no Millionaire’s March offering group catharsis to the angry wealthy white. But on Tuesday, Jan. 26, I received a mass e-mail from Schwartz Communications with the subject: “Wall Street Strikes Back at White House.”

It was held the trading floor of John Thomas Financial, and (yet again) it defies belief, but suffice it to say that there was a Republican candidate for the US Senate, the bald guy is the head of the firm, Anastasios (Thomas) Belesis, who is a piece of work all on his own:

Belesis’s FINRA profile is similarly alarming. Investors have accused him of churning, fraud, excessive trading, breach of contract and other violations. Regulators have ordered him to repay investors more than a million dollars.

So, he’s mad as hell, and he’s not going to take it any more.

Of course, in a just world, he would be banned from the securities industry for life.

This story continues with epic tails of sexual harassment and the disposal whipped cream.

Just go read it.

*Conservative Political Action Comittee
Yes, “John Thomas” is a bit of slang in Britain for a portion of the male anatomy, and it’s very apt here, and yes, there is a real investment bank by that name.

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