A Marxist Analysis of the Financial Meltdown

It’s kind of like watching a dinosaur walking down main street

There is some things here that are right, and some that are wrong, and the hard part is determining which is which, but the white-board cartoons make it entertaining. (11:10)

To be true, I’m not sure just how “Marxist” the lecturer, David Harvey is.

I really don’t know him, and this lecture really sounds a bit more Fabian Socialist than full blown Marxist, but in any case it is a new way to look at what happened, and heterodoxy is what is needed here.

H/t Felix Salmon.


  1. John Sundman says:

    Oh –a propos of an earlier discussion –typing this while I wait for youtube buffer — Yes, I appreciate being on your blogroll; really truly.  I was just wondering if I might possiby get on your list of people you never want to piss off, the Matt Taibi (sp?) list.

    If not, no problem.  (You see, I'm easy to please. Which is perhaps why I find myself on so few lists of "people I never want to piss off. . .)

  2. Matthew G. Saroff says:

    Oh, I see.

    Ummm…..You tend to post on tech, literature, and philosophy, I don't think that I've read a post from you when you were truly pissed off, though your analysis of Sideways did show some irritation.

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