Month: July 2010

Barack Obama Hires Enemy of Healthcare Reform to Manage Implementation

Liz Fowler, who was a former staffer of Max Baucus, who went to work as a lobbyist for Wellpoint (vice president of public policy), and then came back to Baucus to kill the public option, has has been hired by the White House to implement the regulations for healthcare reform.

Yet more of the criminally naive concept of bringing enemies in to run programs that they did their best to destroy.

Additionally, it makes a joke of yet another of Obama’s promises, to shut down the revolving door between government and industry, because if Ms. Fowler were going through the revolving door any faster, it would look like a Cuisinart set to liquefy.

Economics Update

Well, it’s jobless Thursday, and the initial unemployment claims number have fallen to a 2 year low, 429,000, though it should be noted that these are seasonally adjusted, and so this number takes into account, for example, GM’s summer shutdown, which did not happen this year, though, as the author notes, the fact that GM is seeing that much business is a good sign in and of itself.

Unsurprisingly, the 4 week moving average fell as well, though continuing claims rose.

On the other side of the coin, we are seeing a number of non-employment metrics weakening, with falling producer prices, foreshadowing incipient deflation, while both the New York Fed and the Philadelphia Fed numbers have softened.

In real estate, home foreclosures rose 38% year over year in the 2ndquarter.

Dick Cheney Has No Pulse

Dick Cheney just had a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implanted to bypass his failing left ventricle, because his heart was failing.

Because it’s a constant flow device, an impeller that spins at around 9000 RPM, it means that he has no pulse.

It also means that he is in a very, very, bad way health wise.

Realistically, it means that he will either be a heart transplant recipient, or he will be dead by 2011.

I won’t make a prediction on which way that cuts, though my guess is that Dick has been pulling strings to get to the head of the list, but I will predict that when Dick Cheney dies, Barack Obama will be offering an over the top obsequious eulogy calling him a “great American” or somesuch crap within 48 hours of his passing.

Me, I want him to live long enough to die in prison.

I Hate to Wake Up Sober in Nebraska*

I must have missed the story earlier, but a Federal Judge has stayed a Nebraska law that requires a psychological evaluation before getting an abortion:

A new law that requires all women to be prescreened for possible mental issues prior to obtaining an abortion has been blocked by U.S. District Court Judge Laurie Smith Camp. The law, which was scheduled to go into effect on July 15th, was challenged by Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, who argued that the law was so vague that it would be impossible to correctly adhere to it.

As I’ve said before, notwithstanding the fact that abortion first emerged as a proxy issue about race and segregated private academies, this issue has taken a life on of its own, and we are beyond any compromise on this issue.

*It’s a song by the group Free Hot Lunch.

The Fed Gets Grimmer

Well, the minutes from the Federal Reserve’s June meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) have been released, and the already grim predictions that they have made for GDP and employment have become even grimmer.

It’s time to crank up the helicopters, and literally begin dropping money out of them.

I’ve run the numbers for this operation, and it would require fewer than 100 of the whirlybirds to accomplish the task.

And the DCCC Can Go Cheney Themselves Too

Because the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) funds Republicans like Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin, who has just come out with a campaign commercial touting her vote against healthcare reform.

You can be sure that the DCCC will be funding her heavily, because the first goal of the Democratic Senatorial and Congressional campaign committees is to protect incumbents, and their second goal it to support DINOs.

Note however, that this is throwing good money after bad this year. She is polling horribly, the TPM polling averages have her down by 9 points as an incumbent.

Do your own research, and donate to the candidates you support directly.


Economics Update

If you believe that small business will be important in any recovery, then the fact that the fact that the NFIB’s index of small business optimism fell.

In employment, job turnover fell in May, indicating that this already jobless recovery might become even more jobless.

There are also signs of weakness in transportation, with the Association of American Railroads Rail Time Indicators falling.

Real estate is grim as well, with non-residential construction forecast to fall 10% in 2010, and home mortgage purchase applications fell to a 13 year low, even with rates being at historical lows.

Finally, in what makes up over 70% or so of the US economy, retail sales fell in June (see pic).

Why You Should not Give to the DSCC

Because, will throw money at people like Blanche Lincoln, who, now that the primary challenge is done, is once again throwing her lot in with the rich bankers who are in the process of destroying our country.

This time, she and John Kyle, he of the “never need to pay for tax cuts for rich folk,” fame, have introduced an inheritance tax bill that is a big wet kiss for the richest families in the United States:

Their proposal would require Democratic leaders to amend the small-business jobs bill with a provision that sets the estate tax at 35 percent with a $5 million exemption. These amounts will be phased in over a 10-year period and also be indexed for inflation. In addition, inherited assets would be taxed at their worth upon transfer, not when the deceased purchased them.

Of course, because of the way the Bush and His Evil Minions wrote his tax cuts, there is no inheritance tax at all this year, but next year, it goes back to 55% and a $1 million exemption, and, quite honestly, the “liberal” proposal is a $3.5 million exemption and a 45% rate.

Of course, when given a choice between giving something to rich heirs, and giving everything to those same heirs, Blanche Lincoln goes with giving money to the useless heir class.

The first broad based tax adopted by the founding fathers was an inheritance tax. They did it because they realized that dynastic wealth was corrosive to the republic.

But Blanche Lincoln needs those campaign dollars, so f%$# the budget and American people.

It goes without saying that the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee is backing her to the hilt, which is why you shouldn’t give to the DSCC when they come calling.

The NAACP Has Discovered That There Are Racists Amongst the Teabaggers

I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here!

I wonder what took NAACP this long to issue what is a remarkably tepid statement:

“We take no issue with the Tea Party. We believe in freedom of assembly and people raising their voices in a democracy,” Ben Jealous, president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said in a statement.

“We take issue with the Tea Party’s continued tolerance for bigotry and bigoted statements. The time has come for them to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no space for racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in their movement,” Jealous said.

This statement is long overdue, and might have been appropriate about a year ago, but now, it is awfully weak tea.

Still, it’s fun to see teabagger heads explode over this is amusing.

Military Budgets

Matthew Yglesias comes to a stunning realization on the military budget as juxtaposed against their financial crisis:

The thing about military spending that I don’t think is properly understood is the extent to which if it’s not necessary it’s truly wasteful. Building a mag-lev train from Chicago to Milwaukee would be a “waste of money” but if you did it, the resulting train would still be useful to people and lead to some increased value. But a tank you don’t need just does nothing. An extra brigade of soldiers consumes resources and doesn’t produce anything. Of course if your tanks and soldiers produce “Nazis don’t conquer Europe” then it’s valuable indeed. But if you don’t need them, you really don’t need them.

(emphasis original)

Matt was talking about Greece and Turkey, but looking at the bigger picture makes one wonder why the biggest debtor in the world, the United States of America, is well served by spending nearly as much on defense as the rest of the world combined.

French National Assembly Votes to Ban Burqa

The vote to ban face coverings in public places with only one no vote, and it now goes to the Senate, where passage almost certain.

I have actually lived in a place where face coverings were briefly banned, I discovered this when we had issues with Halloween masks one year, for reasons completely unrelated to religious observance.

As I stated a few months ago, I have some mixed emotions here.

First, there is already an extant ban on masks in public, so the law, with its €150 fine for wearing the veil seems to be gilding the lily. Simply by enforcing the existing ban on masks in public places could achieve the same effect.

That being said, criminalizing coercion by family members to wear the garb, the law calls for €30,000 fine and up to a year in jail, does seem to be an unalloyed good.

Of course, you really don’t have good guys on either side.

On one side you have right wing nativists, and on the other side, you have a profoundly medieval mindset which sees the subjugation of women as a core value.*

If there were only a way for both sides to lose this battle.

I don’t think that women should be wearing the burqa anywhere in the world, but I am still conflicted as to whether this needs to be put into law.

*In the interest of fairness, I consider the Jewish Heredim, the ultra orthodox, to have a, “profoundly medieval mindset which sees the subjugation of women as a core value,” as well.

Unambiguously Good News

For the first time since the 3rd quarter of 2008, State tax receipts rose in the 1st quarter of 2010.

The obvious bit of good news here is that increasing tax revenues means that there is more hiring (income tax) and buying (sales tax), but there is another significant effect.

49 states, all of them but Vermont, are required by their constitution to run balanced budgets, and what this has meant is that the state governments have had to act like 49 little Hoovers, cutting budgets and staffing in the midst of the worst downturn since the great depression.

The turnaround in tax revenue means that the spending cuts can stop, which removes a drag to those state’s economies created by budgetary retrenchment as well.