And once again, when the elites speak, and the ordinary folks listen to what is actually said, and educate themselves on the issue, they conclude that the elites are full of sh%$.
Case in point, the recent Japanese elections, where the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) took a drubbing, because they threw out their old party leader, Yukio Hatoyama, and replaced him with Naoto Kan, who was big into Hoovernomics: His proposal was to raise the VAT in Japan from 5% to 10%, because the problem that Japan has, locked into a decades long deflationary spiral, is that ordinary people have too much money.
As a result of the elections, the DJP has lost its majority in the upper house of the Diet, and so must cut deals with the corrupt Liberal Democratic Party, which has ruled Japan for most of the past 65 years, or with the rather eclectic “Your Party,” in order to get its legislation to pass.
Now might be a good time for the DPJ to work on what is ostensibly one of their major goals, to reassert the control of the democratically elected government over the entrenched Japanese bureaucracy, particularly since, in this area, they are in complete accord with the Your Party.