Well, If I Had Been Ignored for 2 Years, I’d Quit Too

Paul Volcker, arguably the person in the administration most strongly for enhanced regulation of financial institution, is leaving the administration:

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker plans to leave his role as head of a panel of experts advising President Barack Obama on the economy, sources familiar with the decision said on Wednesday.

The departure of Volcker, 83, from the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board is among a series of changes Obama is planning to announce soon.

The decision to leave the board was Volcker’s.…

Seeing as how he was generally ignored, and his initiatives, like the Volcker rule were, at best, used as political talking points, it’s no wonder.

If I weren’t someone with my tongue so far up the banks’ rectums that I tasted tonsils (see Summers, Lawrence and Geithner, Timothy), and I were an economic adviser to the Obama administration, I wouldn’t have made it past 2 months, much less 2 years.

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