Vos? Sarah Palin iz a Yid*

When juxtaposed with the phrase, “Don’t retreat, reload,” this is an unfortunate turn of phrase

So Sarah Palin is now claiming that criticism of her “target map” and her shooting inspired rhetoric is blood libel:

“Vigorous and spirited public debates during elections are among our most cherished traditions,” Palin wrote in an early morning post on her Facebook account on Wednesday. “But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.”

(emphasis mine)


For those of you unfamiliar with Jewish history, the blood libel is the accusation that Jews use Christian baby’s blood to bake their matzohs for Passover.

This fraud was the cause of the deaths of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Jews over the past 200 years.

Needless to say, the idea that anyone who isn’t Jewish would use the term for something as meaningless as  criticism over their rhetoric is offensive, ahistorical, narcissistic, and just plain wrong, particularly for someone who is not Jewish.

The level of venality for a non-Jew to use this to condemn people for saying mean things about her simply boggles the mind.  I cannot imagine anyone being so self-centered and inconsiderate to do this, so Sarah Palin must be Jewish.

The response to this has been actually been fairly universal.

Months ago, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, The View‘s resident right winger, called the map despicable months ago.

Additionally, former Bush speech writer turned conservative apostate David Frum, has called her out for unleashing her attack dogs, while National Review nepotism hire Jonah Goldberg, calls the use of the phrase stupid in so many words., and trust me, Jonah Goldberg knows stupid like few others.

Additionally, Jewish Groups, including the ADL, which normally spends it time sucking up to ignorant bigots have condemned the use of the phrase.

Pat Buchanan, though, was true to form, saying that he, “thought it was an excellent statement“.

For what it’s worth, Joan Walsh’s assessment of the statement, that Palin has fatally wounded her Presidential chances, is, I think, completely wrong.

Her analysis misses a basic Republican imperative, to piss off liberals and Democrats any chance they get. Really, when you look at GOP frat boy behavior, it’s clear that much of what they do is driven by this petty need.

By pissing off liberals with the “blood libel” comment, she cements her relationship with the movement conservatives and teabaggers, and pissing off Jews, who constitute a minuscule part of the party, is just gravy, because it shows the Talibaptist wing of the Republican party that she is one of them.

That being said, I would still argue that the simplest hypothesis is the one most likely the correct one, and that would be that she is a person suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

*My best effort at translating “What? Sarah Palin is a Jew?” into transliterated English.
I’m not asking for evidence of Todd’s circumcision, thankyouverymuch!


  1. Matthew G. Saroff says:

    Dude, I was commenting on the deep narcissism that is required to equate one's political opposition criticizing you with Blood Libel.

    I do think that when juxtaposed with shooting references, i.e. "reload", it has more significance, though I would argue that Beck (no explanation needed) and O'Reilly (Who explicitily called for the murder of Dr. George Tiller) are past a point where they should not be making money speaking publicly.

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