I Guess She Could Not Handel the Pressure

Yes, the right wing hack hired by Komen as their VP for public policy, Karen Handel, has>called it quits, or as Erin Gloria Ryan so clearly states, Noted Liar Karen Handel Defensively Resigns From Komen, with a self-indulgent letter of resignation where she denies it being about politics.

I’d say, “Cry me a river,” but the letter was more like “Water Music”.*

The thing is, the folks at Komen knew that she was a right wing political hack.  Not only had she campaigned for governor on defunding Planned Parenthood before Komen hired her, but she also has a long history of voter suppression and civil rights violations so bad that the Bush Justice Department called her out.

She was clearly a right wing political hack, and Komen chose to let Ari Fleischer pimp her for a cushy office job, and they knew what she was.

There are lots of better breast cancer charities out there.

Even ignoring politics, the corporate pink-washing Komen does for companies probably contribute to higher cancer rates (KFC? Seriously?) should look elsewhere.

When you add in their politics, any woman who gives them money is like a chicken donating to Colonel Sanders, because they are a a petri dish for right wing zealots who think that the problem with the world is that, “women [are] not being properly punished for having unapproved sex.”

*OK, that’s it for the Handel puns.

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