Month: February 2012

But They Still Suck

So the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure has sort of backed down:

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation announced Friday that it would revise a new policy that barred the organization from funding Planned Parenthood, a move that had thrust the breast cancer foundation into a national controversy.

Komen apologized “to the American public for recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to our mission of saving women’s lives.”

The foundation said that Planned Parenthood would now be eligible to apply for grants. It did not, however, address other reasons Komen has cited for why it might choose not to approve such grants.

“Our original desire was to fulfill our fiduciary duty to our donors by not funding grant applications made by organizations under investigation,” a Friday statement said. “We will amend the criteria to make clear that disqualifying investigations must be criminal and conclusive in nature and not political. That is what is right and fair.”

“We will continue to fund existing grants, including those of Planned Parenthood, and preserve their eligibility to apply for future grants, while maintaining the ability of our affiliates to make funding decisions that meet the needs of their communities,” the statement continues.

What they are saying that they aren’t cancelling current grants, which they never said they would, and Planned Parenthood can apply for grants next year, but there are “no promises”.

There may be grants to Planned Parenthood next year, but they will eventually cut them off, assuming that these folks aren’t (hopefully) a dead corporatist charity walking.

Btw, in the, “It sucks when an angel pees down the barrel of your rifle,” department, a documentary, called “Pink Ribbons, Inc.,” is hitting theaters in Canada, and film festivals in the United States as I am typing this.

The film alleges that Komen is “Pink Washing” companies that are suspected of exposing the population to carcinogens that might cause breast cancer, among other things.

And Mitch Daniels Signs the Union Busting Bill Into Law

There is a lesson to be learned here.

The first priority* of Democrats is to implement decent policy, and the first priority* of Republicans is to change the rules in order to strengthen their allies and diminish their opponents.

In the long run, the latter strategy gives better results.

Case in point, the Republicans in Indiana passing union busting right to work legislation:

Indiana became the 23rd state to pass anti-union “right-to-work” legislation on Wednesday and the first in the nation’s manufacturing heartland, dealing a blow to organized labor by allowing workers to opt out of paying union dues.

Indiana’s Republican governor Mitch Daniels signed the legislation into law immediately after it was given final approval in the state Senate, making Indiana the first state to adopt such a measure since Oklahoma did so a decade ago.

This is why Obama should have attempted to re-institute the fairness doctrine, and pass the Employee Free Choice Act (card check) when he had overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate in 2009.

If Democrats ever again have such a large majority, how about repealing Taft-Hartley, and adding the right to organize the workplace to the Civil Rights Act?

*OK, truth be told, the truth be told, the real first priority of all politicians is reelection.

Now They Tell Us

One of the architects of the European austerity program is now saying that austerity is making things worse:

A leading architect of the austerity programme in Greece – one of the harshest ever seen in Europe – has admitted that its emphasis on fiscal consolidation has failed to work, and said economic recovery will only come if the crisis-hit country changes tack and focuses on structural reforms.

Poul Thomsen, a senior International Monetary Fund official who oversees the organisation’s mission in Greece, also insists that, contrary to popular belief, Athens has achieved a lot since the eruption of the debt crisis in December 2009.

“We will have to slow down a little as far as fiscal adjustment is concerned and move faster – much faster – with the reforms needed to modernise the economy,” he told the Greek daily Kathimerini, adding that the policy shift would be “reflected” in the conditions foreign lenders attached to a new rescue programme for Athens.


Taking a pay cut makes it harder to pay off your debts.

Boycott the Susan G Komen Foundation

You’ve probably heard how the Komen foundation created trumped up reasons to defund Planned Parenthood.

What we also know now is that their senior management is a vipers den of ‘Phant political operatives, (their founder and CEO is a former Bush appointee) and failed right wing candidates, and (only a Wiki away) that they have aggressively harassed other non-profits in an attempt to prevent them from using the term “for the cure”.

What you may not know is that their top top public-health official resigned in protest over the decision, and that the board overruled the professional staff who recommended against defunding PP.

And finally, we have a report that they aggressively lobbied against the Breast & Cervical Cancer Prevention & Treatment Act because they wanted the money to go through them, they lobbied against single payer in Obamacare, and fought to neuter the Breast Cancer & Environmental Research Act, and they appear to be attempting to use this as a wedge in order to create a Republican political opening.

That, and the fact that Republicans want women to be punished for having sex, so they oppose birth control and things like the HPV vaccine.

I’m with what Atrios says:

It’s OK To Say You Suck

Just echoing what tbogg had already said, but what Komen has done is made it ok to point out that they kind of suck. And they kind of sucked before all this, but not many people ever want to rain on the pink paradise parade. They managed to associate their brand with a cause, and to criticize the brand was to criticize the cause.

Now we all get to say: you suck hard.

I don’t think that they realize is just how much scrutiny they will be getting as an organization now that they will no longer be seen as synonymous with the fight against breast cancer.

[on edit]
Well, now that their original explanation, that they cut off any organization under an official (trumped up in the case of PP) investigation, because they are continuing to give to Penn State, home of the pedophile friendly athletic department, which is under a legitimate investigation, they have a new alibi.