Atrios is an Ill Conceived Son of a Wombat

You see, he’s been blogging for 10 years, so in honor of this, he is doing a list of the top ten wankers of the decade, a list I will follow with some enthusiam.

That being said, he is getting above, or below himself:

It’s time to begin the weeks long celebration of 10 years of the world’s suckiest blog, hosted by yours truly, the world’s suckiest blogger. There will be some laughs, some tears, and of course there will be lots and lots of wankers. Some our old friends, the ponies, might make some guest appearances if we put some appropriate snacks out to tempt them. We’ll start counting down to the ONE TRUE WANKER OF THE DECADE, beginning with roughly daily announcements of the 9 runners up, with #9 being announced today at precisely noon o’clock. The determination of all the winners has been made using the highly scientific system known as “what I happened to remember this morning,” though I did give a slight bit of thought on what to emphasize. It’s the wanker of the decade, not the wanker of the day, so I’ll try hard to reach into the past to remind us of some quality wanking from the Golden Age Of Wanking. Emphasis will be on media figures, though I’m not entirely ruling out politicians or similar. No posthumous awards, excluding some otherwise likely candidates.

(emphasis mine)

I object, I’m the world’s suckiest blogger.

That being said, his list promises to be entertaining, if somewhat scary.

Why scary? Because number 10 on his list is Megan McArdle, aka Jane Galt.

It’s not scary that she is on the list, but it’s scary that she is so low on the list.  If she’s number 10, I would peg Ms. “Math is hard” at number 3, this could get scary.

Even money says that Tom Friedman is number 1.

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