Something is Very Wrong With Me

We went to Barnes and Noble to celebrate Charlie getting into a magnet program.

We got some books, and picked up some snacks.

Charlie wanders off and browsed some books, and he decided to glance through the erotic novel 50 Shades of Gray.

He opened up to a random page, and was rather nonplussed about what he encountered.

I wasn’t upset. This sort of exploration is all a part of growing up.

But when I looked at him, and I made a most unhelpful suggestion:

How about you do a YouTube based on this.

You do a takeoff of 50 Shades of Gray based on the Smurfs.

You could call it 50 Shades of Blue.

Charlie’s response was to complain that he could not get that image out of his head.  (I am afraid to Google it)

I am a bad, bad, parent.

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