In a Rare Bit of Honesty

Roy Roberts the retiring emergency manager appointed to run the Detroit public schools, has admitted that he was told to destroy the school district when he was selected:

Roberts also told those gathered that when he arrived at DPS, he was told to “blow up” the district and dismantle it, [Detroit Federation of Teachers President Keith] Johnson said.

“Blow it up — those were his exact words,” Detroit School Board member Tawanna Simpson confirmed.

Only the article at the Freep has been sanitized and that quote is gone.  One wonders why. 

The above paragraph is still referenced in the comments.

You can still find a similar quote at the story from The Detroit News, as well as some more of the editing funnies engaged in by the Detroit Free Press in this Electablog post, which has Roberts acknowledges his statement, but claims that it wasn’t Governor Rick Snyder who told him this.

Yeah, sure.

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