And here they are, ordered, and numbered for the year so far.
- Slavie Federal Savings Bank, Bel Air, MD
And here are the credit union closings. I’ve redone the whole list, because I screwed up at some point this year, and missed some credit union closings, counted assisted mergers, which I shouldn’t have, and accidntaly counted a bank twice:
- Bagumbayan Credit Union, Chicago, IL, 1/21/2014
- St. Francis Campus Credit Union, Little Falls, MN, 2/14/2014
- Parsons Pittsburg Credit Union, Parsons, KS, 3/21/2014
- Mayfair Federal Credit Union, Warminster, PA, 3/31/2014
- Health One Credit Union, Detroit, MI, 5/16/2014
- Life Line Credit Union, Richmond, VA, 5/23/2014
So, here is the graph pr0n with last few years numbers for comparison (FDIC only):