That’s Entertainment, Albany Edition

It appears that Preet Bharara, the US Attorney who has indicted the leaders of both houses in New York, has a major campaign donor who is singing like a f%$#ing canary:

Just as important as Monday’s charges against Senate Majority leader Dean Skelos and his son was the revelation, in the newly unsealed complaint, that an executive with the state’s top campaign donor is now cooperating with the feds.

Charles Dorego, the senior vice president of Glenwood Management, allegedly gave Skelos’ son Adam a $20,000 cash payment and steered him title insurance work. Like many big real estate firms, state policy changes on rent control and the 421-a subsidy program are worth millions to Glenwood, and it kept Dean Skelos, the Senate majority leader, quite close.

What’s prompting concern at the Capitol is that Dorego, as well as Glenwood founder Leonard Litwin, are close to everyone.

“If Dorego is involved,” said one lobbyist, speaking on background, “then you can bet more trees are going to fall.”

In the past four years, Glenwood passed out at least $3.6 million to state politicians and the political committees that support them through a roster of two dozen limited liability companies. Records show it has ties to a dark money group that spent another $1 million attacking Democrats in 2012. It’s hard to state definitively, because only some of the L.L.C.s can be readily associated, by address, with their parent company.


Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, has benefited the most, taking in $1.45 million for his campaign committee and the soft money account he controls at the Democratic State Committee. Glenwood is also the largest donor to Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Tom DiNapoli, both Democrats.

There are more people on Bharara’s hit parade. That much is clear.

I also think that he is looking very hard at governor Cuomo, and the people closest to him, and given that New York state is New York state, I would expect to see some of his senior aides indicted, and I hope that hizzonner is indicted.

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