Month: April 2016

Corruption is as Corruption Does

It appears that Brian Newby, the Executive Director of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, got his job there because his patron,Kansas Secretary of State Chris Korbach, pulled strings to insert him at the agency, where he later made transparently illegal moves to further Korbach’s goal of suppressing minority votes:

A Kansas county elections official used close ties to one of the nation’s leading advocates of voting restrictions to help secure the top job at a government agency entrusted with making voting more accessible, and then used the federal position to implement an obstacle to voter registration in three states.

An email provided to The Associated Press through open records requests offers a glimpse into the mindset of Brian Newby, executive director of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, who decided — without public comment or approval from bosses — that residents of Alabama, Kansas and Georgia can no longer register to vote using a national form without providing proof of U.S. citizenship.

As a finalist for the job of executive director, Newby said in a June email to his benefactor, Kansas’ Republican Secretary of State Kris Kobach, that he was friends with two of the commissioners at the federal agency, and told Kobach: “I think I would enter the job empowered to lead the way I want to.”

Voting rights advocates were stunned by Newby’s action once he got the job and have sued to overturn it. Activists say it flies in the face of the commission’s mission to provide a simple, easy form to encourage voter registration.

The U.S. Supreme Court has said that states must accept and use the federal voter registration form, and an appeals court ruled in 2014 in a lawsuit filed by Kobach that states could not force the commission to require residents to provide proof-of-citizenship documents on the national form.


Documents obtained by AP show Newby’s ties to Kobach, the architect of voter ID and other restrictive voter registration laws around the nation that he says are needed to prevent voter fraud. Critics say there is very little voter fraud and Kobach’s measures hurt voter registration and deprive eligible voters of the right to vote.

Kobach had appointed Newby to be a county elections commissioner in Kansas, and helped him get the federal job that he took in November.

“I wanted you in the loop, in part because of other issues in the past with the EAC,” Newby emailed Kobach. “I also don’t want you thinking that you can’t count on me in an upcoming period that will tax our resources.”


Kobach said Wednesday that he spoke to one, and possibly two of the Republican commissioners, about Newby prior to his hiring.


But documents from open records requests and interviews by AP show that as early as April 2015 and continuing in the months leading to Newby’s hiring by the commission, Kobach and his staff met with county officials to discuss concerns about Newby’s job performance in Kansas. Those concerns led officials to call for an audit of the Johnson County election office Newby led.

Kobach told AP he never informed the federal commissioners about those problems, and insisted they would not have affected Newby’s performance at his federal job.

The audit released earlier this month found Newby intentionally skirted oversight of government credit card expenses, wasted taxpayer funds and improperly claimed mileage and travel expenses while at his former job in Kansas. Newby has called the audit inaccurate and misleading.


Newby told Kobach that he never would have been considered for such a high-profile position if it weren’t for Kobach’s support, adding that he would be saying “repeated prayers of thanksgiving for that.”

You can find more about the audit here, and it appears that this guy was stealing the taxpayer’s money, on pretty chickensh%$ stuff, like getting reimbursements for limo service to the airport despite having a car allowance.

As Yael T. Abouhalkah of he Kansas City Star so pithily states, “Kris Kobach’s voter fraud slime now stretches from Johnson County to Washington.”

H/t Charlie Pierce.

A Real Estate Developer Does the Right Thing

In response to larcenous demands from the incumbent (monopoly) connectivity providers, the developer of Jasper Highlands built and wired up his own gigibit ISP to serve his new development:

Tennessee is at the center of a nationwide battle over whether cities and towns should be allowed to build broadband networks without facing restrictions that help private ISPs avoid competition from the public sector.

But with a lawsuit and legislative battle over a Tennessee state law still pending, one home developer decided to build his own ISP. John “Thunder” Thornton of Chattanooga needed to install high-speed Internet for “his mountaintop residential development in Marion County,” but was unable to get affordable service from AT&T or Charter Communications, a Chattanooga Times Free Press article said yesterday. He also couldn’t get service from a Chattanooga electric utility that also provides Internet because the state law prevents it from expanding to nearby areas that lack fast, affordable service.

To solve the problem, Thornton “spent more than $400,000 to build his own fiber network and link it with a power cooperative in Stevenson, Ala., where fast broadband is available,” the article said. He announced yesterday that his Jasper Highlands community in Jasper, Tennessee, “is now able to offer high-speed, gigabit-per-second Internet service for all home sites in his 3,000-acre complex.”

Thornton’s ISP is called Hi-Tech Data. It sells 100Mbps fiber service for $70 a month and gigabit service for $80 a month. Phone service is available for another $30 a month. Since the existing fiber didn’t go all the way to the Jasper Highlands development, Hi-Tech Data deployed its own fiber to cover the final 2,000 feet.

This is a natural consequence of the rent seeking behaviors engaged in by the baby Bells, cable companies, and the rest of the incumbent providers.

It’s yet another case where we have actors whose primary business model is to sit athwart the productive work of others, and extract rents, which they use to pay off politicians so that they maintain their privileged position.

Not Enough Bullets

A Russian Oligarch just spent $1 Billion on his son’s wedding:

Russian energy tycoon Mikhail Gutseriev’s son Said married his girlfriend Khadija Uzhakhovs during the weekend in a lavish ceremony that reportedly cost $1bn (£700m). The wedding, at Moscow’s upscale Safisa restaurant, was attended by around 600 guests and saw Sting, Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias among others perform.

The bride reportedly wore a $374,000 gown, which was bedecked with precious stones, imported from Paris and weighed in at 25kg. Her pricey wedding gown was matched with a handbag, diamond tiara and pendant.

Gutseriev, who was ranked the 38th richest person in Russia by Forbes in 2015, flew in the who’s who of the music world to perform at his son’s wedding. Gutseriev is estimated to be worth $6.2bn, and his assets include oil company Russneft besides K Neftisa, OAO Russian Coal and others.

This is simply obscene.

It is Called Ticket Punching

With about 5000 US troops in Iraq, there are 21 generals leading the troops there.

Typically, a full bird colonel would command a unit with 5000 soldiers, but there are 21 Generals:

In the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State, the U.S. military is notably short on soldiers, but apparently not on generals.

There are at least 12 U.S. generals in Iraq, a stunningly high number for a war that, if you believe the White House talking points, doesn’t involve American troops in combat. And that number is, if anything, a conservative estimate, not taking into account the flag officers running the U.S. air war, the admirals helping wage the war from the sea, or their superiors back at the Pentagon.

At U.S. headquarters inside Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone, even majors and colonels frequently find themselves saluting superiors at a pace that outranks the Pentagon and certainly any normal military installation. With about 5,000 troops deployed to Iraq and Syria ISIS war, that means there’s a general for every 416 troops, give or take. To compare, there are some captains in the U.S. Army in charge of that many people.

Moreover, many of those generals come with staffs and bureaucracy that some argue slows decision-making against an agile terror group.

The Obama administration has frequently argued that the U.S. maintains a so-called light footprint in Iraq to reassure the American public that its military is not back in Iraq. Indeed, at times, the United States has not acknowledged where it has deployed troops until one of them died.

There are this many generals in Iraq because of the career needs of the general officer corps, not out of military need.

Getting a combat posting, even a useless one, paves the way to further promotions.

We saw something similar in the cruise missile attacks against Osama bin Laden in the 1990s, when the navy held off launching missiles for hours, so that more ships could get into position so that their captains could get it into their service records.

The missiles missed bin Laden by minutes as a result.

Between the military-industrial complex revolving door and up or out, our military is seriously, and deeply broken.

Notice a Pattern?

A site unaffiliated with the Clinton Campaign details her, and her campaign’s speaking engagememts:

Event Type
April 1, 2016 Newtown, Pennsylvania Fundraiser John Podesta
April 1, 2016 Syracuse, New York Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 1, 2016 Syracuse, New York Organizing Event Hillary Clinton
April 1, 2016 Appleton, Wisconsin Organizing Event Bill Clinton
April 1, 2016 State College, Pennsylvania Fundraiser Laura Rosenberger
April 1, 2016 Tenafly, New Jersey Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 2, 2016 Madison, Wisconsin Organizing Event Cecile Richards
April 2, 2016 Washington, Connecticut Fundraiser Daniel Kurtz-Phelan
April 2, 2016 Boston, Massachusetts Fundraiser Michelle Kwan
April 3, 2016 Los Angeles, California Fundraiser Bill Clinton
April 3, 2016 Los Angeles, California Organizing Event Bill Clinton
April 6, 2016 Washington, DC Fundraiser Gary Gensler
April 6, 2016 Tulsa, Oklahoma Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 6, 2016 Little Rock, Arkansas Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 7, 2016 Denver, Colorado Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 7, 2016 Bexley, Ohio Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 7, 2016 El Paso, Texas Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 7, 2016 San Antonio, Texas Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 7, 2016 Dallas, Texas Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 7, 2016 New York City, New York Fundraiser De’Ara Balenger
April 8, 2016 Forth Smith, Arkansas Fundraiser Bill Clinton
April 10, 2016 McLean, Virginia Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 10, 2016 Washington, DC Fundraiser John Podesta
April 10, 2016 Villanova, Pennsylvania Fundraiser Valerie Plame
April 11, 2016 Glen Cove, New York Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 11, 2016 Mount Kisco, New York Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 11, 2016 Washington, DC Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 11, 2016 Washington, DC Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 11, 2016 Washington, DC Fundraiser John Podesta
April 12, 2016 Miami, Florida Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 12, 2016 Miami Beach, Florida Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 12, 2016 Manalapan, Florida Fundraiser Hillary Clinton
April 12, 2016 Brooklyn, New York Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 12, 2016 New York City, New York Fundraiser Entrpreneurs for Hillary
April 13, 2016 Princeton, New Jersey Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 13, 2016 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 13, 2016 Erie, Pennsylvania Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 13, 2016 Washington, DC Fundraiser Bill Clinton
April 13, 2016 Washington, DC Fundraiser Bill Clinton
April 14, 2016 Brooklyn, New York Fundraiser John Podesta
April 14, 2016 Newton, Massachusetts Fundraiser Bill Clinton
April 17, 2016 London, England Fundraiser Jake Sullivan
April 17, 2016 London, England Fundraiser Jake Sullivan
April 21, 2016 Westport, Connecticut Fundraiser Bill Clinton
April 25, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 25, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Fundraiser Chelsea Clinton
April 28, 2016 Polanco, Mexico City, Mexico Fundraiser Melanne Verveer
April 28, 2016 New York City, New York Fundraiser John Podesta
May 2, 2016 Washington, DC Fundraiser John Podesta

Notwithstanding the campaign’s claims, I don’t think that they have managed to harness the power of the small donors.

H/t Naked Capitalism.