- Why This Isn’t ‘the New Normal’ for Climate Change (NY Mag) The normal will be much worse.
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee taken off Mississippi school reading list (The Guardian) The school board felt that it was too disturbing. That’s the f%$#ing point.
- Bernie Sanders Isn’t A Democrat… Thank God (Current Affairs) Because the Democratic brand is toxic. If it weren’t Hillary would be President.
- Private police bill could unleash mercenaries on Michigan towns (Detroit Free Press) We are looking more and more like Iraq.
- Severe flaw in WPA2 protocol leaves Wi-Fi traffic open to eavesdropping (Ars Technica) Update your router.
- Evaluating the evidence on micro-aggressions and trigger warnings (The Economist) There is no evidence of
- Women face creeps like Harvey Weinstein everywhere: Anita Hill (New York Daily News) She should know.
Sand cats are the only cats that live exclusively in the desert, and sand kittens have just been filmed for the first time.
Cute alert: