This May be the Most Epic Exchange on Twitter

Jim Carey, comedian and anti-vaxxer, made what any sensible person would be a fairly anodyne statement about the wages of fascism:

If you’re wondering what fascism leads to, just ask Benito Mussolini and his mistress Claretta.

— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) March 30, 2019

Alessandra Mussolini, honest to God fascist and grand daughter of il Duce, took umbrage:

You are a bastard

— Alessandra Mussolini (@Ale_Mussolini_) March 31, 2019

Again, a fairly anodyne, and typical, response, at least for a fascist daughter of Mussolini.

But Twitter user, and Italian cartoonist, Sted (@zerorisposte) has a response that knocks it out of the park:


— sted (@zerorisposte) March 31, 2019

This is just beautiful.

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