- Kamala Harris Stopped Cooperation With San Francisco Church Sex Abuse Victims (The Intercept) To the degree that the past is prologue, this does not bode well.
- Reining in CEO compensation and curbing the rise of inequality (Economic Policy Institute) “This paper argues for the desirability of reining in CEO pay and discusses policy strategies that could be part of such an effort.”
- How Boeing Bean-Counters Courted the 737 MAX Disaster (Daily Beast) Also notes the direct line from McDonnell’s took over Boeing (with Boeing’s money) and how this led to a toxic culture.
- A Moment of Silence: The case for keeping new organizers offline. (The South Lawn) Makes a cogent argument that novice political organizers should stay far away from the internet or social media.
- Micropayments-for-news pioneer Blendle is pivoting from micropayments (Nieman Journalism Lab) They could not make money on a pay for articles, so they have moved to premium subscriptions.
- London Celebrates The Monty Python Reunion By Putting A 50-Foot Dead Parrot In Potters Field Park (Fast Company) From 5 years ago, but too good to ignore.
- 2,500 years ago, these folks weren’t cremated – but their funeral-goers were absolutely baked: Earliest evidence of pot smoking discovered (The Register) Oldest evidence of marijuana smoking. No Fig Newtons here though.
Pining for the fjords: