The Ghost of Judge Julius Hoffman

It does not surprise me that whenever there are protests and there are two sides, the cops will be polite and solicitous to Klansmen, white supremacists, fascists, Nazis, and racist, and hostile and aggressive to their opponents.

I have literally never heard of a demonstration in the United States where the cops do not favor the forces of hate and bigotry.

It’s baked into their culture.

So the abusive police presence at the “straight pride” ralley in Boston is no surprise.

What I would not expect, however, is that we would also find a judge so over the top in favor of the bigots that he denied a request by prosecutors to dismiss charges against some of the people who were arrested, and he threw a defense attorney in jail for contempt of court .

Does it sound like the return of the judge from the Chicago 7 trial yet?

Update: Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins filed an emergency petition with the state Supreme Judicial Court on Wednesday regarding Boston Municipal Court Judge Richard Sinnott’s actions, The Boston Globe reports. In it, her office argues that Sinnott “ignored the clear and unambiguous constraints placed on the judiciary by the separation of powers” in not following through with prosecutors’ intent to drop the charges against the nonviolent protesters.

“The judge’s interference with the district attorney’s constitutional authority cannot stand,” the petition reads.

Rollins filed the petition on behalf of one of the nonviolent defendants, with the intention of it setting a precedent for the other similar cases, according to the newspaper.

“The actions of Judge Richard Sinnott are unprecedented and outrageous,” the district attorney wrote on Twitter, linking to the Globe story on her petition.


Original story below:

Following the clash between “Straight Pride Parade” protesters and police in downtown Boston over the weekend, an unusual clash is now unfolding between prosecutors and a local judge handling the cases of those arrested during the event.

Boston Municipal Court Judge Richard Sinnott refused to dismiss charges Tuesday against a number of nonviolent protesters arrested during the parade and ensuing counter-demonstration. Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins says Sinnott is “overstepping” his role.

“By compelling arraignment in every case, the judge punished the exercise of individuals’ First Amendment right to protest,” Rollins said in a statement posted on social media Tuesday night.


According to The Boston Globe, the Boston-bred judge, who was appointed by Gov. Charlie Baker in 2017, agreed to drop charges against just two of the nine people for whom prosecutors had asked for the dismissal of nonviolent charges in exchange for community service.

(emphasis mine)

This is why you don’t vote for “moderate” Republicans.

For all their protest that they are the good kind of moderate Republicans, they still have a goal of infesting the judiciary and bureaucracy with hard-line culture warriors.

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