Year: 2019

Tru Dat

American Exceptionalism Is a Dangerous Myth

This is true.

Over the past 40 years, this myth has been a license for brutality and plundering on and scale that rivals the height of the British empire:

But it would be more accurate to say that this is who we’ve too often been. This hateful sociopath, immune to all human sentiments save fear and greed, devoid of all principles save a will to power, incapable of seeing the world from anyone’s perspective but his own — this is who we were to the peasants of Vietnam, and to the people of Jacobo Árbenz’s Guatemala, Salvador Allende’s Chile, Mohammad Mosaddegh’s Iran, João Goulart’s Brazil, and so many other fragile republics yearning to breathe free.

Two of the three DC area airports, Dulles and Reagan National, are named after psychopaths.

There is nothing more horrifying than a people who believe that God is on their side.


Durgin Park, the iconic Fanuil Hall restaurant is closing on January 12:

Durgin-Park, a Faneuil Hall staple since 1827, will be closing on January 12.

Employees of the historic restaurant were notified about the decision to close Wednesday.

Durgin-Park is one of the oldest restaurants in the country. It gained a reputation for its good-hearted waitresses being nearly as “fresh” as its fish.


Parent company Ark Restaurants based out of New York says it’s the nature of the business – and that the restaurant just isn’t making money like it used to.

Seriously, this sucks like 1000 hovers all going at once.

F%$# Ark Restaurants.

There are plenty of people in the Boston who are more than willing to abuse me, but none of them make prime rib, Boston baked beans, and Indian pudding like Durgin Park.

Qu’ils Mangent De La Brioche — — AGAIN

It looks like Emanuel Macron is a man who emulates the Bourbon kings, he has learned nothing, and he has forgotten nothing, to paraphrase not-Tallyrand.

He is now calling the yellow vest protesters a hateful mob, all because they have the audacity to object to his policy to benefit the haves at the expense of the have nots.

He is blind in a way that the now-incarcerated Sarkozy could never:

Emmanuel Macron last night delivered a combative New Year’s address, vowing to push forward with economic reforms despite two-month long protests from what he termed a “hateful mob”.

The French President, whose televised address was broadcast form the Elysee Palace, acknowledged that “anger over injustices” lay behind the yellow vest movement that has scarred his second-year in office.


But the 41-year-old also strongly condemned protest-leaders. “Those who claim to speak for the people, but in fact speak for a hateful mob – attacking elected representatives, security forces, journalists, Jews, foreigners, homosexuals – are quite simply the negation of France,” he said.


Alexandra Schwarzbrod, an author and political analyst, argued that the President still lacked a common touch.

“He did a creditable job in terms of his political communication, but he still appeared fairly distant from the everyday problems the ‘yellow vests’ have injected into the political agenda,” she said.

Of course he seems distant.

He had a privileged childhood, the child of a doctor and a professor, and went to elite schools, and he has nothing but contempt for people who lack the initiative to have well-off parents.

Marine le Pen must be feeling very confident about her future right now.

It Really Is All about the Spoils, Isn’t It?

You know, maybe if more time was spent reigning in the excesses of capitalism, and less effort spent on dividing the spoils of the system, we would have a more functional society:

California Democrat Maxine Waters, the first woman and first African-American to chair the House Financial Services Committee, is planning to use her new power to push for more women and minorities in the top ranks of corporate America.

Some firms are panicking at the prospect of new public scrutiny, according to lobbyists, who say that while companies won’t openly fight Democrats’ moves to promote diversity, many are uneasy about the prospect of government getting directly involved in their hiring decisions.


One financial industry source who previously worked for a Democratic member said: “Very, very few have been ahead of the game” when it comes to improving diversity.

“Now companies are focused like a laser on identifying top African-American talent with Congressional Black Caucus relationships to help them understand and mitigate the striking lack of diversity within their corporations,” the person said.

They look at finance, where the self described “geniuses” nearly blew up the world a decade ago, and their first concern is that the rewards of being a parasite are not being evenly distributed.

To quote Lambert Strether, “One does not improve a tapeworm; one removes it.”

Not Sending a Cake with a File in It

Nicolas Sarkozy has been detained by police over illegal campaign donations from Muammar Gaddafi.

As Mark Ames so pithily stated, There is, “Nothing cynical at all about Sarkozy’s reasons for wanting Gaddafi dead.”

But let us not be cynical. Just because the overthrow of Gadaffi resulted in a hell-hole where slave markets have been established doesn’t mean that it was a failure:

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been taken into police custody for questioning over allegations that he received campaign funding from the late Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi.

Police are investigating alleged irregularities over the financing of his 2007 presidential campaign.

Police have questioned him previously as part of the probe. Mr Sarkozy has denied any wrongdoing.

The centre-right politician failed to return to power in 2012.

Judicial sources said he was being questioned in Nanterre, a suburb in western Paris.

In 2013, France opened an investigation into allegations that his campaign had benefited from illicit funds from Gaddafi.

Please, don’t let him out ……… EVER!!!

Both the Wisest and the Snarkiest Thing that I have Heard this Year

In an analysis of potential murder charges against PG&E for the California fires, Yves Smith related the following from an email exchange:

Arbeit Macht Frei Slave-Labor Was the Original Public-Private Partnership.

This is brilliant.  It may be the most brilliant and snarkiest thing that I’ve heard for last year as well.


The game is $25, so I am not buying, but I love the trailer from Cyanide and Happiness:

Today in Unclear Headlines

In. the publication Deutsche Welle, they headline a story as,  “Germany mulls introducing ′mosque tax′ for Muslims,” which makes it look like one of the increasingly bigoted steps against Muslims in Europe.

In reality, it constitutes an official recognition, and state subsidy being extended to the religion:

Lawmakers from Germany’s grand coalition government said on Wednesday that they were considering introducing a “mosque tax” for German Muslims, similar to the church taxes that German Christians pay.

Thorsten Frei, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) told Die Welt daily that a mosque tax was “an important step” that would allow “Islam in Germany to emancipate itself from foreign states.”

In Germany, church taxes are collected from practicing Catholics and Protestants in order to fund church activities. They are collected by the state and then transferred to religious authorities.

The justification is that this would reduce the dependence of the German Muslim community on the largess of the House of Saud.

In the absence of a similar tax, mosques in Germany are reliant upon donations, raising concerns about possible financing by foreign organizations and governments, which has sometimes prompted questions about the promotion of fundamentalist ideologies. For example, there has been growing concern about the influence of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), an arm of the Turkish government based in Germany.

I do not approve of the policy, I believe that church and state should be separate, but if such a policy exists, then it should apply to mosques, particularity as the effect of Saudi Money is corrosively Medieval.

Make it So

I don’t expect it to actually happen, but it appears that some prosecutors are considering a murder charge against California utility PG&E:

California prosecutors are poised to charge the state’s largest utility company with an array of crimes, including murder and manslaughter if it is found responsible for starting two recent deadly wildfires.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a new filing that if Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which provides electricity to about 16 million customers, was found to have mismanaged or failed to maintain power lines, it would face a wide range of charges.

Prosecutors wrote they were prepared to pursue a wide range of charges, including minor offenses, felonies or misdemeanors, and implied-malice murder and involuntary manslaughter.

This is just a ploy.

It’s all going to be pled down to a “cost of doing business” level of fines, likely with the state legislature passing laws limiting the utility behemoth’s liability, just like they did last time.

Still, I dream of their senior executives being frog-marched out of their offices in hand cuffs.

Too Soon

It’s not bad that Elizabeth Warren is looking at running for President in 2020, but still, it’s too bloody soon:

Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts Democrat and a sharp critic of big banks and unregulated capitalism, entered the 2020 race for president on Monday, becoming the first major candidate in what is likely to be a long and crowded primary marked by ideological and generational divisions in a Democratic Party determined to beat President Trump.

Ms. Warren quickly made plans to campaign this weekend in Iowa, which holds the first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses in February 2020. The senator, who has not traveled to Iowa recently, announced Tuesday that she would visit several of the state’s major cities: Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Storm Lake and Sioux City.

Bernie still has my vote, but she’s the only other one currently on the list who isn’t a tool of the banks.

Still, couldn’t she wait 6 months?