Year: 2020

This May be the Stupidest Thing Ever

Seriously, posting your personal details on 4chan boards is not smart.

If you want to do a story on 4chan, or 8chan, take the following:

  • Don’t piss them off.
  • Get a burner phone, a dumb one, bought with cash that ties to none of financial information.
  • Get a burner email account, and read it only at the library.
  • Use an assumed name or code name.
  • Don’t piss them off.

You might also want to don CBW protective gear.

Finally, and I mean this with sincere respect, and no small amount of fear, do NOT f%$# with the chan.

Posting personal details on chan boards was a bad idea BEFORE everyone on them turned into literal Nazis. It is an even worse idea now.

— Sara Luterman (@slooterman) February 6, 2020

Thank-You Mitt Romney

Now there is a phrase that I NEVER though I would say, but given that the distinguished gentleman from Utah is the first Senator ever to vote to convict a president of their own party, and there will likely be significant negative consequences that will likely arise from this act, I feel compelled to give credit where credit is due.

Romney has spioled Trump’s “Perfect Acquittal.” and has probably signed execution order for the perfidious Susan Collins’s political career as well:

After five months of hearings, investigations and revelations about President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine, a divided United States Senate acquitted him on Wednesday of charges that he abused his power and obstructed Congress to aid his own re-election, bringing an acrimonious impeachment trial to its expected end.

In a pair of votes whose outcome was never in doubt, the Senate fell well short of the two-thirds margin that would have been needed to remove the 45th president. The verdicts came down — after three weeks of debate — almost entirely along party lines, with every Democrat voting “guilty” on both charges and Republicans uniformly voting “not guilty” on the obstruction of Congress charge.

Only one Republican, Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, broke with his party to judge Mr. Trump guilty of abuse of power.


But in a stinging rebuke of the country’s leader aimed at history, Mr. Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, said that Mr. Trump’s pressure campaign on Ukraine was “the most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office that I can imagine.” Though he voted against the second article, Mr. Romney became emotional on the Senate floor in the hours before the verdict on Wednesday as he described why he deemed Mr. Trump guilty of abuse of power, calling it a matter of conscience. He was the first senator ever to vote to remove a president of his own party.

“I am sure to hear abuse from the president and his supporters,” Mr. Romney said. “Does anyone seriously believe I would consent to these consequences other than from an inescapable conviction that my oath before God demanded it of me?”

(emphasis mine)

It’s one more vote for conviction I had expected.

R.I.P. Issur Danielovitch Demsky

“All children are natural actors, and I’m still a kid. If you grow up completely, you can never be an actor.”

Kirk Douglas, the son of a rag man and an iconic actor, has died at 103:

Kirk Douglas, one of the last surviving movie stars from Hollywood’s golden age, whose rugged good looks and muscular intensity made him a commanding presence in celebrated films like “Lust for Life,” “Spartacus” and “Paths of Glory,” died on Wednesday at his home in Beverly Hills, Calif. He was 103.

His son the actor Michael Douglas announced the death in a statement on his Facebook page.

Mr. Douglas had made a long and difficult recovery from the effects of a severe stroke he suffered in 1996. In 2011, cane in hand, he came onstage at the Academy Awards ceremony, good-naturedly flirted with the co-host Anne Hathaway and jokingly stretched out his presentation of the Oscar for best supporting actress.

By then, and even more so as he approached 100 and largely dropped out of sight, he was one of the last flickering stars in a Hollywood firmament that few in Hollywood’s Kodak Theater on that Oscars evening could have known except through viewings of old movies now called classics. A vast number filling the hall had not even been born when he was at his screen-star peak, the 1950s and ’60s.

We will not see his like again.

Adventures in Crap Advertising

Once again, Google™ Adsense™ has completely screwed the pooch on an ad that they are serving to my blog.

This time, they are trying to get me, and my reader(s) to click through to the National Rifle Association.

Seriously, putting an NRA here, particularly one with a picture of that odious little grifter Wayne LaPierre on it, is not a piece of well targeted marketing.

Why the f%$# does Google on the online advertising market.

Seriously, F%## the NRA, f%$# Wayne LaPierre, and f%$# Google.

And that goes for your little dog too.

My standard disclaimer on any post about the aforementioned service applies:

Also, please note, this should be in no way construed as an inducement or a request for my reader(s) to click on any ad that they would not otherwise be inclined to investigate further. This would be a violation of the terms of service for Google™ Adsense™.

The Missing Story of the Iowa Clusterf%$#

Dave Dayen makes what should be the leading story of the Iowa vote count clusterf%$#, that this is a manifestation of what he calls the. “Bullsh%$ Economy,” where economic decisions are on the basis of connections, and not competence or value.

This is important.

The failure of the ACRONYM subsidiary SHADOW is not an issue of the inherent problems with software, it is an issue of corruption and self-dealing:

In one sense, the Iowa caucus debacle will last just a couple news cycles. We have the data on paper, tabulated in front of tens of thousands of witnesses, and it merely needs to be collated. Eventually it will, and though the damage to the news cycle is irreparable—Joe Biden’s disappointing outcome has been diluted in particular—the process will go on with an accurate count. Caucuses are horrible and probably a dead letter, but for different reasons than the delayed count; the real problems arise from the electoral college-style distortions between the initial percentages and the final delegates, and the tacit vote suppression from forcing people to attend a two-hour meeting on a weeknight when they might be working.

But the spectacle has highlighted a much more consequential problem in America, something I have coined the bullsh%$ economy. We’ve seen elements of it all over the place. When MoviePass offered unlimited screenings for ten bucks a month, when Uber gets an $82 billion valuation for a low-margin taxi business it has never made a dime on, when WeWork implodes after the slightest scrutiny into its numbers, that’s the bullsh%$ economy at work. We have seen the farcical bullsh%$ of Juicero and the consequential bullsh%$ of Theranos.


The story of Shadow, makers of the app that utterly failed to deliver in Iowa, is a perfect example of the bullsh%$ economy. It starts by being a tech solution to a non-existent problem. Iowa counties are compact; the largest one has a landmass of 973 square miles, and it’s close to twice the size of the average county in the state. Even there, no major city is more than a 30-minute drive from the county seat, Algona. Even with that ancient technology of the car, you could have each of the 99 counties report final results within a couple hours of the end of the caucuses.


Shadow is a subsidiary of ACRONYM, a non-profit with lots of connections to the Democratic consultancy, including veterans of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and David Plouffe, the Obama campaign manager who sits on the ACRONYM board. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes asked Plouffe on a late-night panel about his participation, and as he swiveled in his chair uncomfortably he disclaimed any knowledge of Shadow or the app.

Similarly, ACRONYM issued a statement positioning themselves as a mere investor in Shadow, without knowledge of their inner workings. But last year, ACRONYM announced they were “launching” Shadow, as part of an effort to help Democrats “win” the Internet and run better campaigns. The head of ACRONYM, Tara McGowan, is married to a Pete Buttigieg strategist.

All this doublespeak is a hallmark of the bullsh%$ economy. Your mind doesn’t have to travel to the nether regions of conspiracy, but you can hardly blame people for doing so. This is reflective of the rolling incompetence covered by confidence within the modern economy, especially when you sprinkle on the labor-saving promise of techtopia. When the bullsh%$ economy fails, it robs people’s belief in the basic bargain of commerce, the idea that you get what you pay for, that companies operate in good faith to provide quality service. But when placed in contact with politics, it just demolishes faith in the system. The bullsh%$ economy spurs distrust.

So there we have it: an unnecessary app that narrows the supply chain of votes to the central tabulator, and when the supply chain fails it creates chaos. We see this all over our economy; useless services, narrow supply chains, magnified fiascos. As long as confidence men lie to the right people, they can gain entry and take on enormous responsibility, until it all falls apart. We live in a country where you can spout New Age consultant speak, charm a large foreign investor, and make off to your guitar-shaped living room with over a billion dollars, paid effectively to go away. That’s WeWork guru Adam Neumann’s story, and increasingly it’s our story.

(%$ mine)

Our economy, and our society, is deeply, and possibly ineluctably, corrupt.

It needs to be fixed, which means that many of these people need to be aggressively prosecuted.

Closing the Barn Door Before the Cow Leaves

Nevada is is dropping the vote tabulation system that failed so ignominiously in Iowa.

All things considered, I’d go after Shadow, Inc. for a refund:

The Nevada Democratic Party said Tuesday that it will not use the app at the center of the technical difficulties causing delayed results in Iowa’s caucuses.

“NV Dems can confidently say that what happened in the Iowa caucus last night will not happen in Nevada on February 22nd,” the state party’s chairman, William McCurdy II, said in a statement. “We will not be employing the same app or vendor used in the Iowa caucus.”

The app was developed by Shadow, a software company in Denver. Representatives for the firm didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Whoever at the DNC decided to push these guys on various state parties should be fired ……… Out of a cannon ……… and into the sun.

Instacart Workers Form Union

Good news everyone!

I invented a device that makes you read this in your head using my voice!

Instacart workers have voted to unionize.

About f%$#ing time:

A group of Instacart employees in the Chicago suburb Skokie voted to unionize with the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1546 on Saturday—a historic win for the grocery delivery platform. The vote was 10-to-4 in favor of the union, according to workers.

“The overwhelming majority of the employees made history by becoming the first Instacart employees to win a certified union election in the United States,” UFCW Local 1546 wrote in a press statement.


In the days leading up to the election, Instacart enlisted high-level managers to visit the Mariano’s grocery store where the unionizing workers pick and pack groceries for delivery. The managers distributed anti-union literature warning employees that a union would drain paychecks and “exercise a great deal of control” over workers. “I encourage you to look at all of the FACTS and vote “NO” on February 1st,” a senior operations manager for Instacart wrote in one of the memos obtained by Motherboard, dated January 22. 

I expect Instacart to attempt to delay, litigate, and eventually try to shut down operations in this location, because treating employees right is simply incompatible with the gig economy.

Iowa Caucuses Tonight

The vote count has not budged from 1.9% reporting for something like 2 hours.

In 2016, they were at over 90% reporting at this time, but since it appears that they employed the geniuses from the Clinton campaign who f%$#ed up their political models completely, the app is not working well, so the state party is holding results back for, “quality control”.

In reality, they aren’t holding back results for, “quality control.”

In the best case they are holding back for, “Employing blithering idiots to handle critical infrastructure,” and in the worst case, they are holding back results for, “Electoral fraud.”

I guess that we will find out in the morning.

Standings with 1.9% reporting, which means that it’s still a crap shoot are:

  1. Sanders (27.7%)
  2. Warren (25.1%)
  3. Buttigieg (23.8%)
  4. Klobuchar (11.8%)
  5. Biden (11.1%)

No analysis, because the numbers are to preliminary, and too dodgy, reports are that state party officials are verifying by hand, to make any analysis beyond this xkcd cartoon:


There Are Worse Hypocrites Than Republican Senators

It appears that THIS person is an anti-abortion activist as long as it is not HER ox that is gored:

This is real. This is a real-life post by an anti-abortion activist. You can’t make this shit up.

— Hayley Farless (@hayleyfarless) February 3, 2020

Note that this woman, who claims to be dedicated to the sanctity of life, is turning her back on her own sister.

Time to Organize a Telethon for Overprivileged Youth

Seriously, the whining over the small bonuses that Wall Street bankers are getting this year is not, and should not be, viewed as a catastrophe.

In fact, in a just world, it should be seen as a good start:

Most Wall Street banks announced their fourth quarter profits beat industry expectations last week. But by the end of this week, bank sources and compensation experts told Reuters, most of their staff will be underwhelmed by their bonuses.

Many dealmakers, traders and even one big bank CEO are getting flat-to-down bonuses and total compensation for their performance in 2019 even though overall profits grew, the sources and experts said.

Morgan Stanley reduced incentive compensation for staff and cut Chief Executive Officer James Gorman’s total compensation by 7% for last year compared to 2018, as the bank worked to reduce expenses, which climbed in the fourth quarter.


While some are disappointed by their bonuses, many admit they are still richly rewarded. Morgan Stanley’s CEO Gorman’s total pay for 2019 was $27 million, compared to $29 million in 2018.

Mt heart bleeds for the contemptible greed-head motherf%$#ers.

Missing the Point

A number of publications have reported with much fanfare that Bernie Sanders is leading the field in donations from active duty military personnel by a large margin.

This misses the point, which is that we as a society should not give a flying f%$# in a rolling doughnut about this.

The fact that it is a major story, and cast as a major victory for the Sanders campaign, is a reflection of a hyper militarized, and hence highly dysfunctional, society.


A Knifemaker Talks Knives:

The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight Buys the Plane That Can’t Shoot Straight

I am referring, of course, to the trillion dollar F-25 mistake jet, whose cannon is wildly inaccurate, and puts cracks in the airframe:

Add a gun that can’t shoot straight to the problems that dog Lockheed Martin Corp.’s $428 billion F-35 program, including more than 800 software flaws.

The 25mm gun on Air Force models of the Joint Strike Fighter has “unacceptable” accuracy in hitting ground targets and is mounted in housing that’s cracking, the Pentagon’s test office said in its latest assessment of the costliest U.S. weapons system.


The number of software deficiencies totaled 873 as of November, according to the report obtained by Bloomberg News in advance of its release as soon as Friday. That’s down from 917 in September 2018, when the jet entered the intense combat testing required before full production, including 15 Category 1 items. What was to be a year of testing has now been extended another year until at least October.

“Although the program office is working to fix deficiencies, new discoveries are still being made, resulting in only a minor decrease in the overall number” and leaving “many significant‘’ ones to address, the assessment said.

This procurement program really is a complete cluster-f%$#.

The Pentagon Spends Too Much on Acronyns

Case in point, a digital autopilot based gunnery enhancer that the USAF has named Digitally Enhanced Aiming Through Control Law (Death Claw).

The concept is simple, using the flight control system to aid gunnery accuracy, but someone spent weeks coming up with this name:

A 40-year-old idea to improve strafing accuracy by transferring flight control of a manned fighter to the autopilot to aim the gun is being revived as the U.S. Air Force looks internally for innovations that can be demonstrated and delivered quickly.

An operational version of the Digitally Enhanced Aiming Through Control Law (Death Claw) system is in development less than two years after the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School conceived and performed an eight-month demonstration.

The concept is sound technically, but the name is beyond silly.

Also, I recall a similar system being tested on an F-15 in the late 1980s.

This is the most PUMA Thing Ever

For those of you who don’t know what the initials mean, there was a PAC formed, People United Means Action (PUMA), to demand that, despite Barack Obama winning the primaries, Hillary Clinton should be the nominee.

The movement, such as it was, was an exercise in upper middle class white women privilege.

It has not changed:

the replies to this tweet are full of white women outraged and disgusted by the ostensible misogyny of Tlaib booing Clinton, none of whom have any comments about the misogyny & racism of calling four women of colour Bernie’s “Concubines”.

— Alexander (@purplechrain) February 2, 2020

The level of oblivious narcissism is stunning.

Boeing Cannot Make Planes Anymore

It now looks like the Remote Vision System (RVS) for the Boeing KC-46 tanker is still not working properly, and may never do so, which would mean that the boom operator has to go back to a station at the rear of the aircraft:

The U.S. Air Force does not believe Boeing’s proposal for the KC-46 Remote Vision System (RVS) will meet the program’s critical performance parameters, according to a service official.

This is based on evidence the service has seen to date, Lt. Gen. Jon Thomas, Air Mobility Command deputy, told Aerospace DAILY Jan. 29.

“The tanker is not capable of all of its missions and won’t be until the problems with the Remote Vision System are fixed,” he said.

The Air Force is counting on the KC-46A Pegasus to recapitalize its tanker fleet and delays to the program only exacerbate the service’s capacity problem.

“It’s really hard for us to consider the KC-46 part of our operational capacity,” Thomas said.

Seriously, if there is anything in aviation where Boeing should be the center of excellence, it is aerial refueling, and they cannot get that right.

Corruption Much?

The DNC has allowed Michael Bloomberg to buy his way into the next series of debates.

This is an artifact of Bloomberg’s large donations to state parties as well as the large amount of money that he is dropping on political ads, which generates a similarly large amount of commissions for political consultants.

It sucks, but maybe Bloomberg will be destroyed in the debates for his history of racist policies and hostile work environments:

The Democratic National Committee is drastically revising its criteria to participate in primary debates after New Hampshire, doubling the polling threshold and eliminating the individual donor requirement, which could pave the way for former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg to make the stage beginning in mid-February.

Candidates will need to earn at least 10 percent in four polls released from Jan. 15 to Feb. 18, or 12 percent in two polls conducted in Nevada or South Carolina, in order to participate in the Feb. 19 debate in Las Vegas. Any candidate who earns at least one delegate to the national convention in either the Iowa caucuses or New Hampshire primary will also qualify for the Nevada debate.


Not everyone is thrilled that Bloomberg — who has hit 10 percent in only one of the requisite four polls released so far — could be on stage after the donor threshold was eliminated.

“To now change the rules in the middle of the game to accommodate Mike Bloomberg, who is trying to buy his way into the Democratic nomination, is wrong,” Jeff Weaver, a senior adviser to Sanders, told POLITICO as the rules were being announced.

I agree with Mr. Weaver.

Kentucky is F%$#ed Up and Sh%$

At the Kentucky state house, you cannot enter with a stick or an umbrella, because they might be used to carry protest signs, bu you can carry guns in

So, if you are going to protest in the state house, I would suggest that you attach your sign to a replica of a long-pattern Brown Bess musket:

Armed gun owners rallied in Kentucky entering the state’s capitol building in Frankfort on Friday.

The gathering was organized by the group We Are KY Gun Owners. They were spurred into action when Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam pushed for new gun control measures that led to threats of violence, culminating with Northam declaring a state of emergency earlier this month.

Astonishingly, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal, visitors to the capitol building are banned from entering with umbrellas or sticks that are used for protest signs because they can be “used as weapons,” but guns and rifles are permitted.

Joe Gerth of the Courier-Journal tweeted a video showing security officers instructing armed rally-goers to go around the metal detectors while entering the capitol building.

Weirdest thing about guns in the Kentucky Capitol: if you have one, you’re told to walk around the metal detector. Others must pass through and get wanded.

— Joe Gerth (@Joe_Gerth) January 31, 2020

It appears that “Kentucky Man” is giving “Florida Man” a run for their money.