This is Morally Bankrupt

James Clyburn (D-SC) is calling for any impeachment trial of Donald Trump to be delayed by 100 days so that the Biden administration can get off to a quick start.

I get that the House Majority Whip wants to get down to business as quickly as possible once Biden is sworn in, but what he is saying is that incitement and conspiracy to conduct an insurrection against the US Government, and Congress in particular, is “Just Politics,” and so it can wait for Biden to assemble permanent staff at the White House and present some legislative initiatives.

This is wrong.

This was an attempt to overthrow an election, and by extension, an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Judgement, and consequences, must be administered without delay.

Relegating this to a political ploy is worse than a crime, it is a mistake.

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