Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Just when you thought we were done with this crap, some knife weilding maniac crashes a barrier in front of the Congress, killing a Capitol Policeman.

To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson, “I’m sick of these motherf%$#ing nuts, attacking the motherf%$#ing Congress.”

There needs to be an intense focus by law enforcement on the violent movements in the United States, and it needs to start with an aggressive effort to get said violent extremists out of law enforcement in the United States:

The band of razor wire-topped fencing around the Capitol had recently come down. The heavy National Guard presence had begun to thin.

But on Friday, not quite three months after the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, a car came careening midday onto the Capitol grounds, slamming into two Capitol Police officers and leaving one of them dead and the other injured.

This time, the source of the violence was not an angry pro-Trump mob, but a lone driver, armed with a knife, who had recently told friends he had left his job and had “afflictions.” After crashing his car and menacing officers, he was shot and killed.

“It is with a very, very heavy heart that I announce one of our officers has succumbed to his injuries,” Yogananda D. Pittman, the acting Capitol Police chief, said during a news conference near the scene. “This has been an extremely difficult time for U.S. Capitol Police, after the events of Jan. 6 and now the events that have occurred here today.”

The attacker “exited the vehicle with a knife in hand” and began “lunging” at the officers, Ms. Pittman said. The suspect was subsequently identified by a senior law enforcement official as Noah R. Green, 25.

It appears that Mr. Green was NOI, and not a right wing nationalist, but the increasing violence related to various extremest movements needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.  (I will not be offering an opinion as to the right-left positioning on NOI, it’s confusing)

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